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Cassidy had Breakfast on the stove the following morning in their large home. It was Friday morning. Her husband of very many years had just finished getting ready for his day at the Auto shop, but their morning would be different then most.
Not only was their niece, Lilly, home for the summer they were watching Tommy. Luke's son of age five. He spent the night, so Luke and Charlie could talk he assumed or just give the newborn girl time to rest. Something else, was the file Cassidy spent the night studying, informing there new daughter, her niece, about. She wasn't sure if she should tell the girl, but she had wondered up behind her, when the folder was open the night before she went to bed, so they talked about it.
Lilly was sitting at the table, eating a piece of toast, when her new found father joined the table. "They'd have to get it approved, and they are more willing to do so with a child, then an adult." Lilly said. "What is that?" Cassidy asked. "To try and bring her back to life. It's been done, so I've read, with several wizards and witches that died during their war back in 98'. However, it seems...they have no memories of who they once were. So, they stopped approving it on adults. parents have been able to get it approved on their children, but it's not he easiest." Lilly said. "It seems he would know about the option, wouldn't he?" Carson asked. "It should,  but something I don't understand is. Ma was certain the baby looked 23 weeks, the paperwork said only 20 weeks." Lily said. "You also have to take in account this wasn't a normal pregnancy, Lilly. I'm sure Lucy wouldn't lie about the baby she'd been caring for." Cassidy said. "Of course not, but babies die all the time and she is afterall dead. She could easily be taking care of a baby she only thinks is sue. I'm telling you, Something doesn't add up about it." Lilly said. "I could try asking Charlie about it." Luke said. "No, no. Let me do some research." Lily said, as Tommy hurried down the steps and joined the table. "Good morning buddy." Carson said. "Morning. Lilly, how sure are you?" Tommy asked. "Pretty sure, but how wouldn't he know?" Lilly asked. "Brother and sister do not like his parents. They said it's been a really long time since they have been around. Noah said they were summoned when Pappy was sent to St. mungo. They haven't so much as called since then. Pappy is Gryffindor his parents were Slytherin, and they didn't like that. They aren't one of the good ones and the did something. We need to go to their home, today." Tommy said. "Tommy I don't think we can just show up to their home." Carson said. "Between Lilly and myself, it will be okay, but we have to. I have a bad feeling and I know to trust it." Tommy said and after a sigh. "Alright Tommy." Carson said.

After they finished breakfast, young Tommy grabbed both their hands, while Lily grabbed her mom's hand and the four of them disappeared form the house of Carson and Cassidy and appeared outside a home.
The house was small and simple. Being in the magical world, the brooms were stood up on the front porch. Tommy pulled them out of sight, when the door opened. A man close to Carson and his wife hurried out the door and took off on the broom, quickly out of sight before the door closed back. Tommy took off for the door, followed by lilly. "You do realize he is only five." She said softly to her husband. "Tommy is a very powerful young boy. We will be fine." Carson said, as the older couple followed the children too the door. Lilly had had wand in hand, as Tommy pushed opened the door. The pair stayed close to the children, when the door shut behind them. It was quickly obvious a child was living there. Cassidy picked up a stuff animal, a few years old. "She'd been seven." Cassidy said, before she spotted the movement out the corner of her eye. Tommy's hand went up, making the shield the muggle couple couldn't see, but Lilly could and grind, but the reason for the shield was quickly seen. A woman, nearing the age, had a glowing wand pointing at them. Dumbfounded as to why the spell wasn't working, until she too, seen the shield. "Think I would know of protector." She said. "He isn't of age, even you can see that." Lilly said. "He's a mudblood, just like you are." She said and Lilly huffed out. "You are an idiot, and your son will kick your ass the second he knows what you done." Lily asked. "Lilly, watch your mouth!" Cassidy fussed, but the woman just lowered the wand, it wouldn't do her any good, she seen that. "That boy hasn't been my son in a long time." She said. "Because parents are asses when it comes to things they don't understand, where is she?" Lilly said. "You all need to get out of my house, right now. Sooner or later, he'll drain himself and I'm not afraid to hurt anybody." She said, but it only took a second for Luke to land on his feet beside Carson. Luke crossed his arms. "Tommy, you can't just up and teleport people." Luke said, before Carson just pointed to the woman standing here. Luke raised an eyebrow. "Tommy, are you out of your mind?" Luke said. "Tommy was certain and you know he would of came by himself. I'd hurried, before Charlie lands here to. You know he is working on that." Carson said, Luke just huffed. "Can one day not be full of problems? Is it that hard?" Luke huffed, but turned his attention back towards the woman. "You fucked with Charlie's memories to take his kid, you have any idea the shit the has caused?" Luke fussed out. Luke, who still hadn't used the proper amount of magic, was using some in his anger. The flame is the fire was only growing, and the second blub blew. "What business I don't isn't really your concern, is it?" She spat out. "He is my husband and the shit you and your stupid husband done because he was Gryffindor went on until he was 17! Now I'm learning you altered his mind, medical reports and properly paid off those healers to cover it up!" Luke said, by then Lilly had to pull Carson and Cassidy away. Anger wasn't a good thing with build up magic, Luke was burning up, unharming himself, but not so safe for anybody else. Tommy could protect himself. "This. This is why They are so worried about him. He uses to much and he could kill himself." Lilly said. "I thought they wanted him to use it?" Carson asked. "You can't go form non, to the amount he is using. Tommy!" Lilly said, and hurried back over to Tommy. The pair couldn't hear what was said, just covered their heads when another light blow, but it only took a second for their daughter to disappear. A couple minutes later, she appeared with Narcissa and Charlie.


Luke? Crumbled to the floor when he lost concentration of the woman before him. Charlie stood speaking to his mother, a woman he failed to speak to in several years, only to learn the truth about what happened the day his daughter, Sue, was born. They used their money, to pay off the healers, altered the memories of Charlie and his children, fake the hospital report, because Sue was suppose to die. It's near impossible for a child to be born that early countless injuries to live. "It's rare, but it isn't important. Even more so with magic on her side." Cassidy cut in, as she got help by her husband to turn Luke over. He was still burning up, but breathing. "Nothing, in the world, give you the right. Where is she?" Charlie said, in a very broken up voice. "Upstairs, Charlie. You have a lot to learn. magic kept her alive, doesn't mean it fixed her. I will have to speak to her, or she won't go with you." She said.


After an unwanted, watched conversation by Narcissa, who knew she'd have to keep an eye on both Luke and Charlie, she pulled out her wand and took everybody back to the home they claimed and hoped things would claim down.

Luke slowly woke up, easing up, the rag dropping to his lap. "Your temperature is still high, Luke." Carson said, as Luke settled his feet on the carpet. Luke's vision was grey, currently, and his head was still spinning. Much of the night was a blur, after being teleported by his five year old son, to try and help the man he married the day before, the father of his newborn girl, and the adoptive parent to his other children. "It's...A blur." Luke said, getting handed a vile by his younger brother, Ryan. "It taste like ass, but it'll help." Ryan said. After a pause, the man finished the potion. Once his eyes seen again. "Why did you take him there?" Luke ask. "Your boy, took us there. I doubt letting him go alone would of worked any better. He was certain, but something that Lilly said, makes me wondered about something."  Carson said. "What was that?" Carson asked. "How much do you know about the war of 98?" Carson asked Ryan, who settled on the couch beside his brother, who had Believe on his lap. "It's in the history books, but many don't speak of it. A lot of people died, but what does that have to do with Charlie and his daughter?" Ryan asked. "I don't think it has to do with him, but we have gotten letters, lilly gotten into places she isn't supposed to be going." Carson said, looking over at his wife. "You have those letters?" He asked and she nodded, digging in her bag until she found the letters they had been sent by the headmistress. He handed them over to Ryan, who after Believe grabbed the Parchment, a third time, Believe was sat on Luke's lap. She fussed, but settled in his lap, and started to suck on once of his fingers. She was a teething four month old girl. Ryan looked over the Parchments, filling through them. "It's not entirely a bad thing, but some things, I'm sure they want to leave in the past. She's mostly just been in parts of the library she shouldn't be getting into, but something that is odd, is she's been caught out the nights off the full moon." Ryan said. "Why is that?" Carson asked. "Doesn't really say. I'm not one for  defense against the dark arts, but I'm pretty certain lycanthropy was a subject we study." Ryan said, glancing over at his partner, his new partner. "You know something?" He asked. "Because I hang around a second year Hufflepuff." Blaise said. "But you know something, about what they-" Ryan started and he let out a sigh. "Not much. They have been experimenting, because the number of witches and wizards have decreased in the years and Because of the war, parents haven't all allowed there children to returned or even start, so...They have been experimenting. There...was a teacher once, a DaDa teacher whom was a werewolf, but I'm certain he was one killed on the war. Along side his wife. In fact, I know he was. His wife, if I remember correctly was Narcissa niece. The both of them were killed."  Blaise said, dropping beside Ryan. "You think she's onto something?" Carson said. "It's possible...but I wouldn't have a way to find out." Ryan said. "Potter could go to the school." Blaise said. "He won't go back there. I'll write a friend, she might be able to help." Ryan said.


The hours would past by and finally the home would become still.

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