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"What kind of animal did he have?" Narcissa asked. "A small dog, one he was very closed to. She got ill." He answered. "Is...there one available then? I think it would do Harry so God to have his own pet again." Narcissa said. "I'll look, have a seat." He said.

"I don't really like puppies. They get to big." Zane said, sitting with the kitty on His lap. "Not this one. It's for Harry. I think it will help Harry." Narcissa said and Zane just nodded.

"I can give you a few things to get you started, but here. She was going up for sell anyway." He said, handing Narcissa a puppy who looked half asleep. "You can sell them?" She asked. "People often breed them, but she's unwanted. She wasn't the colour they were looking for so here you go. Have Harry call me if he has questions, but Harry should remember." He said. "Thank you." Narcissa said.

Harry was sitting on the couch. Some old program was on the television, one he wasn't really watching anymore. Harry was half dozed off. His head still sometimes went to that dark place and for some odd reason it had been one of those days and night. He didn't get much sleep last night, or at least that's what it felt like, so he was half asleep when Narcissa dropped the puppy in his lap. Harry yawned, sitting up. "Now, you were suppose to check on the cat not bring another one back." Harry said, but rubbed her little head. "It came up you had an account. You have a puppy now." Narcissa said.

A few days past and it was Christmas day. The house wasn't at all still with the children running around. Harry yawned sitting up, getting his lap filled with his new puppy. The puppy hadn't left his side since she came there. Harry smiled and rubbed her head. "Good morning, Sunny!" He said, before feeling a kiss on his cheek. "Mom can't hold the children off much longer." Draco said and Harry smiled. "Let's go then, are we still missing Neil and Noah?" Harry asked. "I think so. Yesterday was after all Neil's birthday." Draco pointed out. "I'm aware. I just know west is still here. I'm sure he would rather spend Christmas with his parents." Harry said and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "At his age? He just cares about the toys. I'm sure they'll be back later." Draco said, taking Harry's hand and they walked out of the bedroom.

The children made a mess of the living room, but soon went off to play as an early lunch got started. "Did you ever hear back form Hermione and Ron?" Narcissa asked. "No, I haven't. I'm not certain if they will be able to stop by or not. I know they get busy around the holiday." Harry said. "Alright." Narcissa said but Harry let out a sigh. "I'll give them a call." Harry said, before he walked into the bedroom, once more.

Harry grabbed his phone and eased down on the bed to call Hermione.


"Hey, Mione. You...haven't message me back, or let me know."

"I'm sorry. It must of slipped through. Um...I suppose we can stop by for a short visit, between parents. I suppose you guys want to see little Rose."

"That would be nice, but if it's going to be to much trouble...I'm sure a week or two form now would be fine."

"No, no. I'll work it in. I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I'm just started to feel like myself again."

"Oh, no. It's fine, Mione."

"We'll stop by this evening, promise."

"Okay, I'll see you later."

Harry put the phone back up and walked back down the hallway, joining Draco on the couch in the living room. Draco laid his head on Harry's shoulder who put an arm around Draco. "Are you okay?" Harry asked softly. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little drained is all." Draco said. "We could take a nap, you know." Harry said and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how good of an idea that is." Draco said softly. "If you need to rest more, then you should. Don't worry about anything else." Harry said and after a couple minutes thoughts. "Lay with me? At least for a bit?" Draco asked. "Sure." Harry smiled lightly, and took Draco to bed.

Harry ended up falling asleep with Draco who was nuzzled to his chest, his arms locked tightly around Draco. Harry yawned when he felt his shoulder he shook. "Hum?" Harry mumbled. "Your friends are here." Luke said and Harry let out a yawn. "I'll be down in a moment." Harry said, easing on his back. Draco blinked a few times, as Luke left the room. "Would you be upset if I kept in bed?" Draco asked. "No, but they did bring the baby." Harry said, getting to his feet. "Okay...I'll be down soon then." Draco half yawned watching Harry climb out of bed.

"You should of woke me, once you realized I was asleep." Harry half fussed to Narcissa. "You both needed some rest." She pointed out before Harry turned to the leaving room, getting a hug. Harry smiled lightly. "It's good to see you." Harry said. "I missed you too." Hermione said, before pulling Harry over to the carsit. Little Rose was two months old, sleeping in her car seat. Harry smiled lightly, easing down to his knees. "She's adorable." Harry said, as Hermione gave him the okay to remove the baby out of the carsit. Harry slowly took her out. Rose yawned but settled into Harry's arm who tucked her little blanket around her. "It's been a change, that's for sure. I'm glad though." Hermione said and Harry just smiled lightly. "I really should call more often, but I don't really spend to much time on the phone." Harry admitted. "No, no. It's okay." Hermione said.

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