chapter 14

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"Oh, did he take that test?" He asked. "Not yet. Narcissa was fussy I don't give her more time to prepare and Draco was fussy I smelt like oil. So, it's still in my Jean pocket." Harry said. "Sounds like he is." He replied and Harry let out a sigh. "Maybe it's a good thing. The less our mind wonders, the better we seem to be." Harry admitted. "I suppose that makes sense. I'll give you the tat." He said. "you can?" Harry asked. "I mean it won't be the best, but I have done a few myself." He said, pulling up his shirt showing the tattoo on his lower stomach. "Sure! Narcissa isn't going to let me go to the shop and I was thinking a tattoo of Draco's name, the first at least. I don't need Lucius name also on my arm." Harry said. "Come, I can do it now." He smiled and Harry followed him to his car.

"She's going to kill you." His wife said, coming into the room they were in. "He's Twenty." He replied. "I was going to get it done anyway. Lot cheaper and your a girl, whatcha think of all purple." Harry asked. "No. The black and purple fits you well." She replied. "Told you." He replied. "Just time for a chance." Harry said. "Tattoo not enough?" She asked. "Hardly. Narcissa will just try and space it out, she's really motherly." Harry said. "That's a good thing, Harry. Your mother is also thinking of pulling your brother form school." She said. "The school is safe at this point." Harry said. "I'm aware. It has more to do with other things." She said. "I wouldn't. He'll be able to be himself there, I'm sure Narcissa can keep an eye on him form here if that will help?" Harry asked. "I'll bring it up the next time we call. The baby's asleep already." She replied. "I'm sure you guys can crash here." Harry replied. "That's...a little difficult to do." She said. "Narcissa can get what you'll need. Two of out of three children are asleep, why wake them?" Harry asked. "Alright, alright." She said.

Harry hadn't yet shown anybody the new tattoo in his arm. It was pretty simple really. A red heart, with Draco's name inside.

Harry also handed Draco the pregnancy test. "I...really don't want to take this." Draco whined, getting a kiss. "I told you, what your father time me. We have to know so we can get ready and be sure everything will be okay." Harry said, as Draco slowly removed the test out of his hand. "If he is so sure, then why do I have to take this test?" Draco asked. "Because I feel as if you wouldn't believe it until you see the proof for yourself." Harry said, following Draco into the bathroom. Harry's hand went to his shoulder, because the tattoo was giving him a mild discomfort, but he only smiled lightly. "What was your thoughts on a tattoo now that your mother can't hear me?" Harry kind of laughed as Draco was now holding the test, waiting. "I'm...not sure. I'd get used to it though, just like how I have gotten used to how you are now. I like the purple in your hair and...I as long as you don't go over bored, I'd enjoy seeing the tattoos." Draco admitted, getting a light kiss. "I don't plan on going crazy, but...I can't make that promise." Harry said. "Oh...well, it looks like your right ... But what do we do know?" Draco whispered. "Talk to your parents, they should have a better understanding for what's going on. Come, I have something to show you." Harry smiled.

Harry pulled Draco out of that bathroom, leaving the pregnancy test laying on the sink. "Maybe wait a day or two before letting your mom know about it." Harry said, pulling off his shirt and Draco smiled. "You... didn't quiet have to make the tattoo about me." Draco said, but blushed, getting a light kiss. "Why wouldn't I? You mean the world to me. I want everybody to know that too." Harry said, and Draco did a happy cry, before locking his arms around Harry's neck. "You think...they would every let us get married?" Draco asked. "I would love to marry you, I really would...but I am not sure we could at the moment because of the law thing your mama has on me." Harry said, but got a light kiss. "The second we can, take me to that muggle court house and because mine." Draco said. "Gladly. So...Does that mean we are engaged?" Harry kind of chuckled. "Yes because your mine." Draco half whine. "Never again, am I going to loose you." Harry said, before Draco pulled him to the bed.

Harry yawned coming out of the bedroom the next morning and went down to the kitchen to take his cocktail of meds he was STILL forced to take to stabilize him. He heard the middle giggles of the little boy who Narcissa had in some older higher. "Where on earth did you find that old thing?" Harry laughed. "The neighbor, I have no high chair for little man, magics drained." She said and Harry give the little boy a pat on the head. "Don't use it again. It's to old to be using. I'll pick up a new one form the store." Harry said. "Alright." She replied. "How's Draco this morning?" She then asked. "Still asleep, we was up late." Was all Harry said, before he dropped down on the couch. He soo wanted to go back to bed, today really wasn't a good day for his mind. "Why don't you lay down, again?" Narcissa asked. "Because we gotta be at work in a couple hours. I'll be fine." Harry said, before letting out a sigh. It was going to be a very long day."

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