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"He has two big sisters, and his kid uncle, fourteen, is staying with us as well." Luke said, as the man give him a light smile. "Seems a little young to not have another parent." He said. Luke give a sad smile. "Their...mother passed away a little over a year ago. This...world is new to me. I knew a little...but it wasn't something I had to be a part of. I have...no idea how to raise a magical boy." Luke said. "You're here and that's a bit disappointing, your cute." He said, tucking his wand into his belt. Luke was quite for a minute before he finally said something. "I...haven't really thought about dating, not since my wife passed...But, Narcissa and even Annie thinks I should opened that door again." He said kind of softly. After a light smiled, a card was handed out. Luke grabbed it. "You might have to call twice, anytime after dusk, before the witching hour." He said and Luke chuckled. "I'm assuming you have a friend who wasn't originally from this world?" Luke said. "A few. We have interesting conversations. I've got a couple of teens myself, but they are normally at school. Coming home for the holidays. Their other father isn't around anymore." He said. "It would probably mean the world to Tommy...if we could arrange something close to the holiday and I'm not exactly sure how ready I am for this." Luke said. "Call. We'll talk more." He said, before lending back down to Tommy. "I'll see you soon, buddy. You keep flying, but be careful." He said.

"Mione says you have a house?" Ron said. Hermione and Ron traveled back with them after the game. "Yes, I do. It was my wife and I's house. I'm...not ready to give it up, but...I can't go back there." Luke said. "She's interested in looking at it." Ron said. "Of course. There's a shed in the back, you can clear out any room you want. Just...I ask nothing be thrown away. Eventually, me and the girls will go through the things." Luke said. "It seems...Mrs. Malfoy is making dinner, afterwards, is it possible to show us the house? Or is that to late?" Ron asked. "No, no. My sleep is all over the place, believe me. I'm fine with showing you the place. It really need to be in use." Luke said.

Draco gave Harry a kiss on his cheek. Harry smiled lightly, laying Harry Jr. in the crib. After his bath and bottle, he was a sleepy baby boy. "Did, you enjoy the game?" Draco asked. "I did...it was...also good to seem them again. Ron and Hermione are probably going to move into Luke's house. He offered them the place." Harry said and Draco eyes widen slightly. "I...suppose it will be a good thing. You're friends being close I mean." Draco said. "You're worried." Harry said as he turned around. "I know they have to be thinking this or that...nothing good. I don't blame them, but it does make me uncomfortable." Draco admitted, to get a very soft kiss. "I'm sure, your mum or something will handle it. I...don't want you to worry...it's going to freak me out...I know...myself can't handle most things...I'm still broken." Harry mumbled. Draco picked up his hand and gave it a kiss. "I don't care if you are broken, Harry. I love you. You are the father of my son. You mean everything to me. I promise to help pick up the broken pieces, Harry." Draco said, to get another soft and shy kiss. "I'm not that hungry...I rather lay down." Harry said. "Let's lay down then."

"Narcissa said we can go ahead and go." Luke said. "I thought she was making dinner?" Ron said, as Hermione was reading a book to little Tommy who still wouldn't let go of his broom. The one that was now signed. "She was...is, but Harry and Draco crashed putting HJ to sleep. She won't wake them and the awkwardness in the air will start a fire." Luke said, grabbing a sit of keys off the way after a moment of hestation. "Is she wanting us to leave?" Hermione asked, handing the toddler the book. "No. I'm aware of what they did, I was told. She knows it's uncomfortable, and her hormones are still crazy, and it's really difficult to told her into the pill, because it puts her to sleep and Lucius can't keep the aids in if the baby monitor is on." Luke said. "It's been since breakfast since we ate, why don't I talk to her?" Hermione asked. "Very well. Tommy, are you ever going to let your toy go?" Luke chuckled, easing down to his knees. Tommy shook his head as he was put on the couch and Hermione went upstairs. "I seen you taking to Charlie." Ron said. "I... didn't really catch his name, he kind of caught me off guard." Luke said. "I'm assuming you don't date both men and Woman, then?" Ron asked. "My wife...was the only person I'd been with, really been with. Angel was just a baby when we meet." Luke said, reaching over pull the blanket over Angel, who was asleep in a ball on the love sit. "She isn't yours?" Ron asked. "Not biological, but Angel is my daughter. Her mother meant everything to me...but I couldn't protect her...or Angel." Luke whispered, before easing to his feet. "I'm sure what happened wasn't-" Ron started. "I knew the kind of man he was...I knew. A bullet between the eyes would have-" Luke started. "Luke, take your Medicine and have a bath." Narcissa said, turning into the living room with Hermione. Luke huffed. "I'm not taking a bath." Luke said, but walked past her. "Take the candle." Narcissa said. He stopped walking and after a pause, grabbed the candle on the end table in the hallway, before disappearing up the stairs.

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