Chapter Four

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"I don't recall asking for your permission, Harry." Narcissa said, and after a couple of breaths to ignore the tone Harry just gave him. "She's went through a lot to try and fix him." Lucius said. "He wouldn't be half as bad if you and that bitch of a sister of hers could have just left him alone!" Harry said. "You listen, Potter. You seen a difference side then we did, but what was done was to keep him alive. I don't give a damn with you or him want to believe, I sure as hell didn't want him killed opening that mouth of his at the wrong time!" Lucius said and after a huff, Harry ran his hand through his hair. "Whatever..." Harry said. "Why purple?" Narcissa asked after a moment, trying to change the subject. "I didn't like green." Harry said after a pause. "The earrings are?" She asked as Lucius finally stood up. "It's a lip and eyebrow piercing...Just something I got done for a change, I guess." Harry said. "Meaning you were drunk?" Lucius said and after a huff. "Yes, but I had to of wanted time. Kind of like them." Harry said, before they started to continue their walk.

The throw of the potion made him sick when they landed. Narcissa did fix the hang-over part, but one of the side-effects off his medicines was motions sickness. So he hit his knees once he turn to the side of the building they landed behind and vomited what little of the vodka he had that morning after being rudly woken up. "Harry?" Narcissa said, once she walked up behind him. "There's...a reason... I don't fly anymore." Harry whispered, slowly getting back up. "I... don't think I understand." She admitted after a moment. "Motion sickness is a side effect I have. I'm sure you know about side effects." Harry said, getting a small nod.

"I thought I recommended you waited a couple days." Said the psychiatrist who pushed opened the door to the small waiting room. "You did, yes, but we have an idea." Lucius said and after the psychiatrist had a look at Harry. "I'm only agreeing to this because half the medicines he seems to have some kind of reaction to...and I recognize the boy from a few drawings of his." The psychiatrist spoke. "I know it isn't normally done this way, but I know you even agree-" Narcissa started. "I do. I'll have you three buzzed in once he is available." Was the reply they got, before the door shut again.
Harry was very unsettled being in such a place. It was bad enough he had to go to those stupid appointments, he really couldn't imagine being stuck in this place soon long. It also seems to take forever for them to get buzzed back, by forever, it took well over an hour before somebody even came to the small window. "It's really best if we try this another day." Spoke another woman. "I'm not coming back to this place without speaking to him." Harry said and after a pause, the buzzing noise was heard and the three of them walked into the back.

Draco sat in the floor of his small room he used while being there. The few drawings he done today had yet to be removed form his room for checking so they still laid on the floor. He seen the shadow on the floor also form. "I told them, I didn't want to talk to you guys. Just leave me alone." Draco said, a bit broken up trying not to give onto the feelings he felt right then. Harry wanted to just walk away, but he seen that hospital jacket thrown in the corner and the same scars he had, but much worst. Draco had completely disfigured the death mark that was covered in scars, some looked only a few months old. His other arm had a couple of fresh bite marks, because that was all he was able to do to hurt himself again. Harry just watched him for a while, who picked up a couple of different colours to continue his drawing. Draco was only getting more annoyed though, the shadow was wasn't leaving so in a fit of frustration he thrown the SketchBook and stood up, walking to the very small window in the room that was had a couple of bars on it. "What do you want from me? I told you the second You two brought me here, to just convince her to move on with her life. If magic couldn't fix me, what the hell do you think they can really do?" Draco said, staring off outside the window. Harry didn't know what he could really say, it wasn't like he was really stabilized himself, so he just slowly walked over to Draco. Who thought the footsteps sounded different, he knew they did...but he didn't really care. They never once believed him anyway when it come to speaks of magic. After a moment after Harry put his hand on Draco's shoulder, who learn after being thrown in solitary to not turn and swing like he wanted to do when somebody touched him suddenly. However, the hand was cold, and the ring on that hand, he knew. He was the little muggle sliver band ring with a dragon on it...he had gave to Harry the day he casted the spell...He hoped one day Harry would find him...but it hadn't been near long enough for the spell to have worn off. Draco quickly turned around, to get a frozen hand to his check. Draco.... didn't know what to say, he only brought his hand up to Harry's. He was flooded with emotions, and couldn't really help but cry a little. "Never again, are you to use magic on me." Harry said. "I... couldn't if I wanted to...Mum...blocked my magic a while ago." Draco admitted.

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