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Luke was standing, holding the cigarette in his hand, but talking to Harry, who had his hands shoved in his jacket pocket. "Harry, you feeling alright?" Carson asked and Harry turned to face his boss. "Yeah." Harry said, before he headed back inside. "He doesn't have to lie, you know. I get, I don't understand what happened. I also know I only want to be told what I have to be told, but if he isn't okay, He can tell me. I'm not a hard ass." Carson said as Luke hit his cigarettes. "He doesn't like to admit, anything. He should be alright. I'm almost finished with the SUV." Luke said. "Tommy's asleep in my office." Carson said, and Luke picked his boot up and used the bottom of it to put out his cigarettes. "When did he...show up?" Luke asked. "About an hour ago. I gave him some Tylenol and his asleep now." Carson said.

Carson followed Luke back to his office and Luke eased down to his knees beside the couch, the back of his hand going to the small boy forehead. "He...had a rough night." Luke said kind of softly. "I can tell...He will have to stay in my office, but you can bring him. He's a sweet boy." Carson said. "I...thought he would just stay at the house. I didn't expect him to come. Then again, Charlie isn't home either and his been feeling sick a lot since we started his treatment." Luke said. "I know, and I understand. Bring the boy if need be, Luke. I don't mind. Finish the SUV and take him home." Carson said. "Thank you, Carson." Luke said.

After Thomas finished the SUV, he woke Tommy up, and stood in Carson's office. Tommy holding onto his daddy and nuzzled to his neck. "Tommy." Carson said softly. Tommy opened his eye back up and looked at Carson. "How about you help me tomorrow do something special?" Carson said. "What...is it?" Tommy asked and Carson smiled. "It's a surprise! I want you to go home and have some apple juice and a sandwich, then get into bed so you can get some rest and help me tomorrow, okay?" Carson said. Tommy thought about it for a minute. "Okay." Tommy said. "Thank you, Carson." Luke said, and the man smiled lightly. "Your welcome. He's such a sweet boy." Carson said. "Again, thank you." Luke said.


Noah and Dash were on the couch having a conversation in Arabic when Luke came through the door with Tommy. Noah looked over. "Pa?" Noah asked. "I'm taking Tommy and laying down. Let me know when your father is home." Luke said, but in that, I'm depressed and failing as a parent tone. Noah got to his feet and walked over to Luke who was locking the door back. "Narcissa is upstairs, Pa." He said. "I'm fine, okay?" Luke said but Noah crossed his arms. "I'll get dad if I have to." Noah said. "You need to worry about your things, not me, Noah." Luke said, walking past Noah. "Your engaged to my father and you seen became my other parent, I know when something is bothering you and Tommy is all upset too!" Noah said. "I'm handling it, go back to Bash." Luke said. "Pa..." Noah said. "I have to get your brother in the bed, okay? I'll be fine. Just don't worry." Luke said.

Warning ⚠️⚠️ - Self harm action and thoughts.

After Luke out Tommy in the bed. The very sick boy quickly going back to sleep since he knew his daddy was home. Luke locked himself in the bathroom. His work, button up, shirt gor thrown off, landing in a ball in the corner. Luke? Loved charlie, but things wasn't so simple in the young man minds, who went form parents who abused him, to a wife and then a girlfriend, before he found his second wife. The man was used to being somebody punching bag and for so long, that's what he was. Nobody knew, just how much he lost when she died. She had helped him overcame a lot, and helped a habit that had came back into his life these last few years since her death.
The bandages where ripped off, showing all the old cut marks on her arms, and the not so old ones, including the one done just the night before. Luke mentally broken down and was loosing the battle with the voices in his head.

The mirror was shattered, the noise did trevally outside the bedroom. Noah, went to get his father, knowing Charlie was likely only going to listen to him.

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