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"Exactly, how long was this letter?" Luke asked and Hermione slipped her bag off her shoulder and opened it, handing Luke a small packet of hand written paper. "She wanted to cover everything it seems and she didn't lack details. Just...her explanation of muggle things aren't the best, but enough. I was able to feel in the missing information and oh, give Charlie a call." Hermione said. "I...don't know about that." He whispered. "You aren't every going to feel ready to move on from your wife, Luke. What you do is never forget your wife and be sure your children know, more importantly, Tommy, knows his mommy. You can't put your life on hold, and I'm sure if you explain the situation, he'll understand." Hermione said and Luke let out a sigh. "I...suppose it's worth a try."

"Hey." Charlie said standing still in that quidditch uniform and Luke turned around. He gave a soft smiled, easing back down on the bench, watching his toddler speed through the air on the broom. "I'm glad you call and yeah. I'm cool with just hanging out, though, I got my teens during the holidays and summers." He said. "It's cool. You said you'd recommend the school to North?" Luke asked, getting joined on the bench. "For him personally, yeah. Until you told me about the pregnancy. The baby wouldn't be able to come. You can, and I'm happy to talk, meet with the head mistress and he can learn from home. His also muggle born?" Charlie asked. "Yeah, his in my custody. So is Neil, his boyfriend." Luke said. "It's cool. I'll make a couple ... Calls so to say and see what I can get done about your kid brother thing." Charlie said. "Thank you."

Charlie let out a little laugh when Tommy zoomed down once the toddler finally seen him. Charlie smiled. "Hi, buddy!" Charlie said. "...fly?" Tommy asked. "Give me a few minutes little man, I'll join you." Charlie said before Tommy went flying again. "You know them, right?" Luke asked as Charlie got to his feet and pulled out his wand. "Potter was the Gryffindor seeker and Malfoy was the Slytherin seeker back at Hogwarts. Never, ever, thought that they would dated, but that isn't what matters." Charlie said, summoning his broom. "Hermione says...they used to be different." Luke said and he nod. "Lucius...is kind of on... Parole I think is the best term in your world. Narcissa and Draco, even though he was marked, were clear. It was provided Draco was forced into to take the Mark and The story about Narcissa is...unclear." Charlie said as Luke got to his feet. "She's been real good to me, I couldn't see thing another way." Luke said. "I'm glad, really. Come." He said, holding out his hand. "Oh, I don't think so." Luke said. "Come on, I'm not going to let you fall." He said and after a pause, he took his hand.

It was pretty let when they got back, and Luke stood at the door, with a sleeping toddler on his hip, saying goodbye to Charlie. "He's a sweet boy." Charlie said. "He's a good boy. I don't think I'll fully understand him though." Luke said. "As long as you are there and don't keep him form being the magical little boy he, he'll be fine." Charlie said. "I still don't know about that school, but otherwise, I'm not going to stop him. Even if the walls might want me too." Luke said. "Is somebody having trouble turning the corners in the house?" Charlie said to the sleep boy. "to...fast." He yawned. "I'm busy for a couple days, but here." Charlie said, handing him a small envelope. Luke took it, and opened it one handed. Tickets. "It should cover everyone. If not, let me know. Friday  evening." Charlie said. "Yeah, I'll come." Luke said and he lend over, ruffling Tommy hair. "Been a while since I've had such a little one. He is definitely full of life." Charlie said and Tommy did a sleepy chuckle, but nuzzled back to his daddy's hip. "He's a good boy." Luke said, getting any other thoughts cut off by a light kiss. "I'll see you Friday?" Charlie said. "...yeah, will be there." Luke said.

Harry laid down on the bed Draco was already half asleep on. Their boy was already asleep. Harry had just finished another cup of tea with Hermione, who asked to stay a while. They didn't want to be at the borrow and Hermione's parents wasn't so opened to them crashing at their place for a long amount of time. Harry didn't ask the details, but agreed to let them stay. After a talk to Narcissa, and a bit to Lucius.
Draco yawned and opened his eyes. "Hi." Draco said. "Hello...sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Harry said softly as Draco wiggled himself over. Harry smiled as Draco nuzzled to his side. Harry locked an arm around Draco and pulled him close. "It's okay. I rather a snuggle." Draco admitted, getting a tight hold off. "I love you...I know...I have trouble showing it ..my head...it's all over the place." Harry admitted, getting a kiss on the neck. "I know, Harry. I'm not worry. I love you too, harry." Draco said, before he slowly climbed up on Harry's waist. Harry put his hands on Draco's hips. "I...can't promise I'll finish...just depends on if I can...keep a clear head." Harry admitted and Draco lend down for a kiss. "We don't have too.., but it has been on my mind, I'll admit it. It's been so long and I was never a fan of handling it myself." Draco said getting a light nod. "I know...I'm sorry for that." Harry whispered, getting another kiss. "No, no. Don't worry, Harry. I understand, I know." Draco said, before dropping his weight to lay on top of Harry. Harry locked his arms around Draco.

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