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Harry Potter yawned waking up, getting to his feet. He walked to the crib in their bedroom, that held their crying 3 month old daughter. She was up a little early that Wednesday morning. Harry reached over and turned the lamp on by her crib, getting looked at by her tear filled eyes. "Now, now. You are going to wake your daddy." Harry said softly, picking her up. Harry held her to his chest as he walked her to the changing table. She wasn't happy to be laid back down, letting out a whine. Harry just handed her a soft toy. He changed her diaper and got her dressed for the day. With her still being whiny, Harry knew she was ready for her bottle. "Alright, big girl. Let's get your tummy full." Harry said, picking her back up.

Harry stood in the living room, feeding her a bottle. The television was on some children's program. One of the young ones must of had the television last night, after Harry went to bed. He could hear the upstairs starting to come awake, at least a couple people. The time told him, it was likely Narcissa or Cassidy. Harry looked down at the infant girl, giving her a big smile. "I love you, very much, sweet girl." Harry said, before she finished her bottle.
Harry soon laid her in the playpen and went upstairs, to get the children up for the day.


A hour later, the breakfast table was full of everyone, last to join was North, dropping the baby monitor on the center of the table. Baby Lucy, had been having rough nights. Nobody knew why. She was finally back sleep, but it left North and Nell pretty exhausted. Narcissa started taking over some nights, when her own morning sickness didn't overwhelm the woman. "Baby trouble still?" Carson asked, grabbing a piece of toast form the stack. "She just hasn't been sleeping much at night. Haven't a clue why." North said, yawning. "I'm sure it's just a phase, otherwise?" He asked. "She's perfect." He replied back, making his own plate.


The home cleared out after breakfast, leaving Narcissa, Remus and Lucius in the home. Lucius kept mostly in bed. He wasn't feeling great. He was pretty achy and had some muggle cold. The medicine took his temperature away and made him rest, so thankfully, he laid asleep currently.
Narcissa sat the tray of tea down on the coffee table, and joined Remus on the couch. Remus was looking over some paperwork Harry gave him. Remus told Harry, he missed teaching, but didn't want to go back to Hogwarts. Harry changed some of his paperwork and now he could work at the public school system in town, if he choice too. Remus wasn't sure how he felt about teaching non magical students and subjects, but his health was as stable as it was going to get, and he felt it was time to get out and about, learn about a world he was going to be living in, helping raise the young children in their home. "What's that?" Narcissa asked, making her cup of tea. "That information Harry gave me, about teaching at the schools here in town." Remus said, closing the folder. He sat it beside him and started to make his own cup of tea. "The schools here are pretty good, I have noticed." Narcissa said, getting a nod. "I just haven't been around muggles that don't know if magic, I wouldn't know how comfortable I'd be." He said. "I understand, but you can always try it...and if it turns out something to uncomfortable, just don't go back the following year." She said. "I'll think on it, it's just been a thought of mine for some time now." He said. "I heard. Hermione and Ron are happy to see you this afternoon. You'll get to see Luke's home. Well, I guess it isn't anymore." She said. "I heard. He gave them that house? I thought he had to give it to one of his kids?" Remus asked. "I don't know much about it. The girls don't want it and Tommy does understand want happened, so he doesn't either. He rather then build their family in that house and make it a home again, rather then it sit until he can sale it...and something tells me, he was never going to be able to." Narcissa admitted. "I see." Remus said, easing back into the couch, drinking his tea.


A few hours later, everybody started coming back home. The diaper bags getting ready for the trip this evening. They were going to visit Hermione and Ron, today? September 12, 2005, is Rose 1st birthday. Hermione was excited and sad. She couldn't believe it had already been a year since the brith of the little girl. Her daughter was growing like a weed.
Blaise, who noted for over a week now, his boyfriend was getting sick, finally went to talk Luke. Luke was in the middle of getting Ocean dressed. She was a sleep girl still, sucking on her binky in her crib. He decided to let her sleep, and started to repack her diaper bag. "Hey." Blaise spoke up. "Ryan should be home. He stopped by the store, wanted something to drink I think." Luke said. "Does he have healthcare?" He asked. "Yeah. Carson offers it through work, why?" Luke said, pausing what he was doing and looking at the young new adult. "He's...been getting sick, but doesn't seem to think it is anything." He pointed out. "I'd say, he isn't sick, Blaise. You two, I'm assuming have been active?" He asked. "Yeah...but what does that have to do with anything?" He asked. "Have him take a pregnancy test, Blaise. I think that is the cause of it." Luke said, watching him slowly walk out the bedroom.
Blaise went to find Ryan who was getting Bryson and Believe ready to go. Their diaper bags all ready, he just wanted to get the babies ready. "I didn't hear you come in." Blaise said, picking Believe up off the floor. She rested her head on his shoulder, holding onto shirt. "I'm light on my feet, you know this." Ryan said. "Luke told me, you stopped by the store." Blaise said. "I did...Later, though." Ryan said. He got a light kiss. "You don't have to be worried, Ryan. Are you?" He asked. "Don't...know. I haven't managed to take the thing. We have to leave soon, so later." Ryan said. "Come." Blaise said, using his feet hand to pull Ryan to his feet, who put Bryson on his hip.


Within an hour more, everybody was ready to go and Harry pushed opened the bus door. A special made Bus that could sit them all. Car seats and everything. One by one, everybody was safe in their seats and Harry turned on the children's movie, before the kids were thrown to Luke. Harry, didn't want to drive today. Harry's head was just a bit jumbled actually, he wasn't sure why. He did smile lightly though, when his husband to be, nuzzled his head to his shoulder once they found their seats. Draco locked their hands together. "Love you." Draco said softly. "Love you too, Promise." Harry replied back as the bus was started and soon, on the road.


Luke's old home soon filled with his new family, Hermione and Ron's families and a couple friends that knew about magic to celebrate the birth of the little girl. Rose was having a ball playing with the younger kids and watching the infant babies. The older kid started to wonder the home as the conversations got started up in the kitchen by the adults. "That boy?" Ron asked. "Skyler?" Luke asked. "Yeah." He replied. "She doesn't say much about him. Just talks to him at school and stuff, at least she doesn't tell me." Luke said, grabbing a drink out of the refrigerator. "He seemed like an okay kid, just real quiet." He pointed out. "I think he is, but Angel is always going to be somebody I have to watch out for. I don't need somebody taking advantage of her." Luke said. "I'm sure." Ron said.
Conversations started about this and that, nothing of importance. The time started flying by for the household. The young ones getting sleepy so it was time for the cake and gifts. Rose was filled up with new clothes and toys, spoiled by her family and Hermione and Ron soon pasted out the cake and Ice cream to the children, they sat around the table eating, watching the television show put on by somebody.

At some point, Charlie seen Luke to upstairs and followed him. He stopped once he got to the attic, going through a box of paperwork. "What are you looking for?" Charlie asked, easing down beside his husband. "Not sure...just something was brought to attention a bit ago. She had a brother, just wanted to see if there was anything on him." Luke said. "What happened to him?" Charlie asked. "Not sure. She didn't tell North so he couldn't tell me." Luke said, getting a light kiss. "I think you are just letting your mind wonder a bit, come back downstairs." Charlie said and after a sigh, closed the box. "Maybe so." He said softly, letting Charlie take him back downstairs.


A touch later, it was leaving time. Harry gave Hermione a big hug as the Bus got loaded up. "Thank you." She said. "We wouldn't of missed it. I know we have been busy, but Rosie is very much loved." Harry said. "I know. Luke and the kids, okay?" She asked. "Yeah. They grabbed a few things out of the shed I think, but they are okay. Luke is very pleased, truly. This house would still be empty." Harry said. "I've been told. Really thank you all for coming." She said. "Your welcome, be safe." He said, turning back towards the bus. It was hard for Harry to also believe, just how much time was passing by. Thankful, but time sure was flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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