chapter Nineteen.

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After a moment. "I know Narcissa tried to save her. It even drained her. I've told her countless times, but I feel she doesn't believe me. I don't blame her..." Luke whispered. "Lucius and I are working on that, but please, take us on our offer. You and the children stay with us." Harry said and after a moment. "You'd have to move..." He whispered. "Me and Narcissa are already looking for a house, please don't worry. Let's just get Angel back in her bed okay? Her temperature could easily drop and that won't be good." Harry pointed out.

Luke slowly pushed the door opened. One of the shower stalls on very hot, the steam coming above the wall. "Angel, the doctor is worried." Luke said making a slow walk on his cane to the shower stall. "...why...are" She mumbled. "To get you back in bed, Angel." Luke said. "Why... Mama's don't...have to deal anymore..." She whispered and Luke eased down to sit against the wall between two of the shower stalls. "Angel. I know you fought me every single step of the way, but I do love you. I raised you since you were a toddler, and I swear to God I tried to keep him away form you. She never wanted you to know the man your father was...We never thought he'd go this mama meant everything to me, and I'm not going to let anything else happen to you just because she isn't here anymore. I can't...make what happened to you to away, but you aren't alone. It's different...being a male and all, but I know what's it's like...I do....and something that you have that I didn't? Is somebody on your side. Please, angel. Come out." Luke said, but it kept quiet for a few minutes.

The shower was slowly turned off. "I....don't...have any clothes..." She whispered and seen Luke's jacket soon laid on the shower door. She slowly took it and zipped it closes around her. She slowly pushed opened the shower door, and stepped out. Her ankles had rope burns on them and countless bruises just on her legs. Luke took her hand and they slowly walked back to the hospital room she was supposed to be in.

"You okay with us staying with Harry and his family for a while? It's going to be a few weeks before I can go back to work, and they offered to help." Luke said, easing that heating blanket back over her. " his family, I think." She whispered and he smiled lightly. "Good, try and get some sleep, okay? You really need some rest." He said. "I...can't sleep...I don't...wanna be here..." She whispered. "I know, but you have to get better. Your body is still to cold, but as soon as I can get you out of here, we are going to go to Harry's, okay?" Luke said. "Stay ....please." she whispered. "Of course, Angel. Nass is keeping an eye on your sister and brother." Luke said.

It was a couple days, but Angel was home. She was really quiet and kept pretty much right on top of Luke. It got really back the next few days when it came to for the burial of her mother, and the days after. Luke wasn't too worried, at least not right away. It had been a very difficult couple of weeks. They were also moved into a much bigger house out in the country side. A big yard that Summer and Annie loved to run around in all the time.

It was late and Angel laid asleep on the couch. Luke and Harry were up late taking and she wouldn't part form him. "Narcissa said you're welcome to talk to her anytime you want, Luke." Harry said and he nodded. "I'm not in a dark place...not that kind of dark anyway. I'm not sure really what's the next step for me and the kids, but she's been helping alot with little Tommy. I'm very thankful for the help you guys have given me." Luke replied and Harry looked over at Angel, who was still sound asleep. "Narcissa says she needs an exam. She had to have stitches...and she need a check up to be sure she's helping probably. Your welcomed to be with her, but... Narcissa nor the doctor is sure how she'll respond To needing this done." Harry said and Luke let out a sigh. "There...isn't any way it doesn't have to be done?" He asked and Harry shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Luke. She was to little of a girl. Luckily, it wasn't to much damage." Harry pointed out and after a pause, he nodded. "Thank you...for everything." Luke said.

Harry slowly climbed into bed, waking up the lightly sleeping Draco. Draco yawned, getting pulled to Harry. Draco smiled lightly and rolled over to face Harry and nuzzled to Harry's side. Harry locked an arm around Draco, holding him closely. "I didn't mean to wake you." Harry whispered to the sleepy blond. "'s okay." Draco smiled lightly, locking his hand on Harry's shoulder. "I know you need your rest, growing a baby and all." Harry pointed out and Draco chuckled. "Harry, the baby is super super tiny. I'll be okay. I like my snuggled with you." Draco said, as Harry used his other hand to pull the blankets up over them. "I love my snuggles with you, too, Draco." Harry smiled, letting out a yawn. For once, feeling like he might sleep dream free. He really hoped so. He really really needed a good night's sleep. Draco give his neck a kiss. "I love you, very much." Draco said and Harry smiled. "I love you too, Draco. Goodnight." Harry said. "Goodnight, Harry." Draco replied, and the two quickly feel asleep.

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