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Luke headed up falling asleep with his head on Charlie's shoulder when North come back into the waiting room with West asleep on his shoulder. "Hey." Charlie said softly. "Just going to hang out here until she's ready to go home." North said and Charlie let out a sigh. "Luke is a good person." Charlie asked. "I don't even want to deal with her, but...I can't just leave her alone." North said and after a pause. "Tell her to just keep quiet. Bring your mother." Charlie said.

Luke? Wasn't the happiest when Zoe came with them, but dealt with it. After all, Charlie was right, Luke was a good person.
He took her to a small guest room off the first floor. Turning on the light that Narcissa had tidied up the room. "The boys fly around the house lot...Just be on the watch for that. Bathrooms down the hallway, Narcissa out some thing in there for you." Luke said as she eased to sit down on the twin bed. "I'm sorry." She said and he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm not you, Zoe. That's the only reason I agreed to this. Just keep your thoughts to yourself and you are not permitted to speak about her to anybody." Luke said and after a pause, she nodded.

"Next time, tell me before you just-" Luke started to say to Charlie as he entered the bedroom. However, Charlie was just coming out of their half bathroom that was in their room. A door blocked the two rooms form one another. "Charlie, what's wrong?" Luke asked. "Nothing." Charlie said. "Charlie, this isn't the first time your popped out of the bathroom looking ill and smelling of mouthwash. Are you sick?" Luke asked. "It's nothing." Charlie said, laying down on the bed. "Charlie, your lying." Luke said and Charlie let out a sigh. "Look, I'm fine okay? Just a little sick to my stomach. All the-" Charlie started. "No. Noah even knows something's on yours mind but your stopping him form knowing exactly what." Luke said. "I'm fine." Charlie said.
Luke laid wake, waiting until his partner went to sleep and waited a little more to be sure before he got out of the bed and opened that little dresser thing he summoned form his house and Luke started to go through it. Pulling out clothes, lot of clothes before getting to some books he didn't really understand, and found a folder. A report form a hospital called St.Mungo's, dated ten years from. He sat down fully and opened it. The moving pictures shown the injuries Charlie had around his abdomen. It looked like punches, in fact the ring mark could be sign. The next one was of his wrists, restrains had been used, the same with his ankles. He opened the page, to shut it when a voice popped out.

He hurried out the room and went into their library, and shut the door. He went over to the desk and slowly opened it back up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. River. We weren't able to save the baby."

"...just finish your report and get my kids here."

"Mr. River, They aren't really old enough."

"Either they come or I'm leaving."

"Okay. Do you want to see her?"


Charlie's voice was so broke and Luke flipped the next page. The baby was so tiny, Charlie must not of been more then 20 weeks along going off the sizes of the baby in the picture. She was pale but in a very tiny pink dress. "Nosey are we?" Charlie said, standing at the library door. Luke shut the folder. "You won't talk to me." Luke said and Charlie slowly walked over. "I...was told, A couple years later, I couldn't get pregnant again, so I didn't think much off it. Until...a few weeks ago." Charlie said, eased to sit on the desk and Luke lend back in the office chair. "You didn't think to come talk to me, because?" Luke asked. "I didn't want to go through all that again, Luke. Just...really wasn't ready to fast the reality of it all. I don't...know what I'd do if something like that were to happen, again." Charlie said, watching Luke get to his feet. "I'm not going to hurt you, Charlie. I wouldn't dream of doing anything too you. I couldn't." Luke said softly, giving him a light kiss. "I love you, I know... sometimes it's difficult for me to say that...and I'm sorry for that, but I couldn't dream of doing anything like that." Luke said. "It's...not you, Luke. I know his in 'prison' I do, but...You have no idea the fears I have." He whispered. "I have an idea, Charlie. Is that's been what's wrong?" Luke asked. "I...went a little crazy when I found out, but yeah. You can come with me to St. Mungo, and they'll show you." Charlie said. "I'd like that." Luke said, giving him a kiss. "Now, how about you take those off and move to the end of that desk." Luke said. "alright." Charlie said.

Harry laid down half asleep in the bed with a rag on his forehead. Draco was woken up by a kick, Harry had kicked him form a nightmare and Harry wasn't waking up. So Draco put a rag over his forehead and was trying to wake him up lightly. It had been a few months since Harry had a nightmare.
After a few minutes, Harry shot up in the bed. "Hey, easy." Draco said softly, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry let out a sigh, and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm...sorry." Harry whispered. "No, it's okay. Do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head. "No, not so much. Just turn the TV on for a while?" Harry asked. "Alright." Draco said, and they relaxed slowly back in bed, Draco nuzzled to Harry who really didn't go back to sleep. He half slept, listening to the late night programs until their morning alarm went off.

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