Chapter 22

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Harry wouldn't let go of Draco once they got back to the manor. Luke explained to his girls what had happened to Harry, in words they would understand. Angel understood a lot more then her sister, and would do her best to help them out in trying to help Harry overcome what happened to him. Harry hadn't spoke since the hospital, and dug his nails hard into Draco's arm when Lucius got to close or Draco tried to get him to sit or anything but hide behind him.

"Take him to see the baby, Draco." Narcissa said, and after a moment, Draco agreed. He slowly took Harry up the stairs. " remember that I was pregnant, Harry?" Draco asked, not expecting an answer. However, it was just Draco know. Not everybody looking at him. "Ya..." Harry mumbled. "I...had our son. He's five months old...I named him Harry James...Malfoy, I...hope that's okay?" Draco said, and was able to turned around. "Your glasses are gone. Did...they not offer you a pair?" Draco frowned, but Harry just slowly walked closer to him. Draco knew what he wanted and locked his arms around Harry. "I promise, we won't let anything happened to you. Let me tell mom you need your glasses, they'll help you see and you won't have such a strong headache." Draco said. "Stay..." Harry mumbled. "Harry, my father nor Luke are going to hurt you...but I work now, Harry, and our son needs me too. Nobody here is going to hurt you, I promise." Draco said, planting a kiss on Harry's forehead. "...Don't...want them.." Harry whispered. "Then...stay with the baby? He should get to know you, Harry." Draco said and took Draco Harry to the nursery. Where both boys were in the cribs. "Two...babies?" Harry whispered. "Mom had her baby, too." Draco said, walking over to their son, Harry Jr. Harry yawned but giggled, reaching up to his daddy. "Hi, big boy!" Draco said, picking up Harry Jr. His eyes got all wide, seeing Harry. The baby knew just who he was, and giggle. Call it the magic inside the growing boy or something else, but he knew Harry. His little hands reach out for Harry. Draco smiled and held the baby out. Harry slowly grabbed the baby and let Draco take him over to the rocking chair. "I have to talk to mom, Harry. Snuggle with little Harry. He already knows who you are." Draco said softly but Harry shook his head. "Harry...I won't be gone long, okay?" Draco said, planting a kiss on Harry's forehead. "I love you, Harry."

"Mum, do you have, by chance, a pair of glasses for Harry?" Draco asked, coming down the stairs. "I'm sure I can call somebody to fill is old prescription, but how did you part with him?" Narcissa asked. "I...just gave him the baby. I still have to wake mom. My boss is an ass." Draco sighed. "He'll be fine. Harry knows deep down." Luke said and Narcissa let out a sigh. "Very well. When do you leave?" She asked her son. "I have to be their by noon." Draco said. "Alright. I'll work the phones and try and get somebody to get him some glasses. Try and talk to him? I don't want him completely freaking out because you left." Narcissa said and Draco nodded.

Harry was sitting on the floor in the middle of the nursery. He removed the other baby form the crib and the two boys laid on a mat, playing. Harry sat hugging his knees. His head still racing and he just wanted the memories to go away. He didn't want to talk about what happened, nor would he. He wasn't even sure if he should have came back to Draco. He had no idea right now, how to even properly take care of himself, let alone a baby and boyfriend.
He felt the kiss on his head and he looked up to see Draco, in some work uniform. "I have to go to work soon." Draco said and Harry shook his head. "Stay.." he mumbled. "Harry, I can't. I have to work. You'll he safe with them, I promise." Draco said. "No! You...don't... understand!" Harry fussed out and Draco let out a sigh. "Harry, I know your scared. I know your badly hurt and have been, but understand...The last year has been hell on me to, just in a different way. I...need to keep my job, so I can keep my own mental health from falling apart. It something I have to do. My mom, my father and Luke, aren't going to let anything else happened to you." Draco said, but Harry kept quiet this time. Draco let out a sigh, a planted a kiss on Harry's head. "I love you, Harry. I promise you are safe."

Luke got shoved the two baby boys, and Harry dropped beside him, on the floor, just a little after Draco left. "Angel, sweetie, make me a couple bottles would you?" Luke called out for his oldest daughter, who put her phone down on the coffee table. "They don't like my little bottles." She frowned. "Get the bigger bottles then, sweetie." Luke said, easing the two fussy boys down into the play pen that kept in the living room. "Alright, daddy." She said, as Luke pulled Harry to his feet. Ignoring the fussing sounds coming form the teenager. "Hush, you sit on the couch. I know you know that." Luke said, pushing him to sit on the couch. Harry just shrugged his shoulders, pulling his legs up on the couch to hug his knees. "I know you don't want to right now, but I'm here to listen, whenever you want to talk." Luke said, before Angel handed him one of the baby bottles. "I wanna feed Zane." She said and Luke smiled. "He can feed himself, sweetie." She shook her head. "He lets me hold the bottle. He is a good baby." She smiled lightly, grabbing Zane out the playpen.

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