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"Why is he blaming himself for something that happened to his wife. And what did he mean by a bullet?" Ron was quick to ask. Narcissa walked over to  painting on the wall, removed it, showing the wall safe. "I hate this thing being in the house, but Draco nor Harry know it's here, and it's out of the children's reach, even if it wasn't. They need the code and a thumb print thing. Luke and I are the only ones that can open it. I can't even fire it. Says I should learn, but...if needed, I have a way to defend myself. Though, we aren't bothered." Narcissa said, unlocking the safe and pulling out the small handgun. Hermione reached for it. "It's a simple moral. Luke does seem like the kind of person that needs to be able to defend not only himself but his kids." Hermione said, and after being sure it wasn't loaded, gave it to Ron. Who looked at the object very confused. "He's to good of a person...He didn't want to ruined angels thoughts about her father, until it started getting worst....He just snapped one day....." Narcissa said and Hermione frown. "I'm assuming it has something more to do then just his wife." Hermione said. "He attacked angel too. The murder charger got him 25 to life, but the charges against him because of Angel, made sure he kept in prison." Narcissa said. "Are you implying her hurt the girl?" Hermione asked. "Unfortunately, he did. She's been glued to Luke since then. That woman I found that talks to Harry, agreed to see angel. We think it's helping her." Narcissa said. "I'm glad she has something that helps her out." Hermione said.

The gun was put back up and dinner got start by Narcissa. Hermione's pulled Tommy back on her lap. Tommy looked up at her, but fussed out for Narcissa. "Nana!" He fussed. "I'm just in the kitchen big boy." Narcissa called back. Tommy let out a huff and in a second, Tommy was gone. The giggles game a second later, want Tommy stood on the counter. "Tommy! You can't be on the counter." Narcissa said, but grabbed the boy. He held onto her shirt. "I...see now why are are so surprised." Hermione said, standing at the Arch way. Tommy waved at her, but nuzzled to Narcissa, holding his broom. "Another reason, I have to try and find an activity for him to get into. He's to fast in the house, and I can't very well let him outside. I definitely don't want it to build up, you know?" Narcissa said, before Hermione stood beside her. She smiled lightly, giving the woman, who was down to one hand, a help with dinner. "I'll look into it. I'm sure there is plenty of activities. Though he would be younger then most, but seems to be a very smart boy." Hermione said. "How does that sound?" Narcissa asked Tommy who giggled out.

"Grandma...?" A sleepy angel rubbed her eye, walking into the kitchen. "Your daddy's in the bath. Have a juice." Narcissa said. "Er, Mrs. Malfoy, there's blood on her legs." Ron said. "And on the smaller count." Ron said. "I'll finish dinner." Hermione said.

"Isn't she a little young?" Ron asked Hermione, who was sitting the table. "She's eleven or tweleve. Tweleve, not really, Eleven, a little. However, with what happened, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. I'm guessing she wasn't feeling well before." Hermione said. "I see." Ron said.

"Feeling better?" Hermione asked. "Still sleepy." She whispered. "Have a bite of Dinner, then you can go back to bed."  Narcissa said. "Daddy's asleep in the tub." Angel said. "Angel, I thought I told you to at least give your daddy his privacy in the bathroom, Angel." Narcissa said. "He always as bubbles!" She fussed. "Do...I need to wake him?" Ron ask. "He should be covered by the bubbles." Narcissa said. "I don't like the idea of him sleeping in the tub." She added. "I got him." Ron said, walking down the hallways.

"Hum?" Mumbled Luke. "I'm sure she's glad your feeling better, but sleeping in the tube isn't the way to sleep." Ron said and Luke yawn, slipping his badly scar arm, into the tub. "I'll be down in a minute, thanks." Luke said.
Luke yawned walking into the kitchen and got a tight hug, and held onto, by Angel. Tommy sitting at the table, drinking some water. "Summer!" Luke called for, and the almost six year old came running down the stairs to join the table.

Dinner wasn't as awkward as they thought it would be. Angel wasn't really feeling well, so she pushed around the food on her plate with a fork. "Angel. You really should try and eat something." Narcissa said. "I'm just sleepy." Angel said. "If grandma will get the baby to bed, I'm down with going to bed." Luke said. "Yes, I'll get Tommy to bed." Narcissa said.

"So, he normally sleeps on the floor?" Hermione asked, a couple hours later in the nursery. Hj, Dean and Tommy shared the room. "Yeah. He won't let Angel sleep in a bed with him, and she really dislikes sleeping on the floor. You can tell when she's having a bad day, when she nuzzled to him on the floor. Luke's got this big scar on his back. I think some of it, is he is hurting a big." Narcissa said. "He seems like he has a history, that goes past his wife." Hermione said. "It's possible, very. He's smart too. Confused and still hurting." Narcissa said, easing the blanket over tommy who yawned. "Goodnight, Tommy." She said softly, shutting the door soon to the nursery. "What... exactly killed his wife?" Hermione asked. "The woman was beat on, and All I know is it messed her back up more. She couldn't move and the it caused her to not be able to breath on her own..." Narcissa said.

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