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March 12th, 2005 was a warm spring Thursday morning and the household was quickly coming to life.

The children would be going to school or daycare and the adults would be getting ready for work, before they would all gather around at the breakfast table, almost. Draco was having some rough morning sickness that morning and took off back to the bathroom, and Harry followed him. Draco vomited once again in the toilet, feeling Harry's hand rub his back lightly. "I'm...sorry the baby's got your belly so upset today." Harry said softly. Draco slowly reached up and flushed the toilet. "All...that matters is the baby is healthy. It is, so I will be okay." Draco said, before Harry helped him back up to his feet. Draco walked over to the sink and would start to brush his teeth. Eyeing his own belly. Without his jacket he wore at the auto shop, his stomach had grown very large, for just 20 weeks. However, the healer didn't at all seem worried about either Draco or their unborn child. The baby was very healthy and Draco was too, just having a bad few days with his moring sickness. Draco finished brushing his teeth, before he turned back around to face Harry with a light smile. "I'll take it all knowing at the end, we will have our child, healthy and happy." Draco said, placing a kiss on Harry's cheek and Harry smiled. "I love you, very much, Draco." Harry said. "I love you too, Harry." Draco replied back, and the pair would back to the dinning area and join the table.


Dash, of course had his own jacket on that hide his stomach, walked into his office building. He always stood out, because he was form Syria and people could be very judgement. So, to say he felt he didn't really have friends, he put his lunch in the fridge in the break room and went to his small office, slowly sitting down in the chair. He looked over at his pictures. One of him, his twin brother and his little sister, shortly after they came here. The second one? Was of him and Noah, took by his sister. He wished he could put the next one up, but he couldn't risk anything coming out about himself or the child he was pregnant with.
His open door was knocked on, and his boss stood there. "You've stayed pretty caught up on your work, Bash." He said. "Yes, of course. I know I leave ... But I say you about my brother did I not ?" He asked. "No, you filled me in. It's Not trouble, however, would you be interested in advancing?" He asked. "...I don't think so, sir. My home life ... Is unnormal and ... My time will not be good for ... Different hours." Dash said. "Why don't I leave some paperwork, and you and your new partner look it over?" He asked. "...Okay." Dash said.


There would be a knock on Carson's office door at the auto shop. Carson looked over at Tommy who was tucked in a blanket sleeping on his couch. Tommy was sick and had chemotherapy yesterday so he was a very miserable little boy. Luke had already had to come get him back to sleep twice since eight, when their shifts started.
Carson would get up form his desk and walk over to the door. Expecting one of his employees, with another mistake, but when he opened the door? He was greeted by a young, African young man, in Hogwarts robes, Green. "What is it I can help you with, Young man?" Carson asked, unsure if he should wake the sleeping small child up on the couch. "I understand Ryan works here." He said. "He does, but...there is a reason he left Hogwarts young man. I can't just proved the boy to you." Carson said. "I think you misunderstand the reason I came. He never came back to school after the holiday...I worried something might be wrong with his boy, Bryson. He hasn't returned any of my letters and I tracked him here." He said. "Have a seat inside and keep quiet. Tommy is resting." Carson said.


Carson would go out onto the floor and find the van Luke and Ryan was working on together. "Ryan, there's somebody asking for you in the office." Carson said. Ryan raised an eyebrow. "...who?" He asked. "I didn't get a name, but his form school. The green colour tie? I forgot the name of that one. He seemed worried about you and seems to know about Bryson." Carson said. "...I didn't...think he'd come find me." Ryan said. "Who?" Luke would ask. "Somebody who...even knowing about Bryson still wanted to date me, but once I learned about Believe...I ended it, he kept asking anyway though." Ryan said, before he cleaned off his hands. "Stay with them, please and wake Tommy if you feel the need to." Luke said. "Promise." Carson said.


Ryan slowly opened the door and sure enough, the boy who kept on trying to convince Ryan, no matter what, He would take care of him and his son. Ryan didn't know how to tell him about Believe or half the stuff going on with him, so he didn't. The boy really cared for Ryan and would have To prove it to him. He sat on the floor, his wand glowing showing Tommy a trick who woke up feeling the very active magic. Carson and Ryan just watched and Tommy grind big when the magical family of bunnies ran around the room. "Again?" Tommy asked. "Soon, I promise. I got a few things I have to take care of, but soon." He said. "You should try and eat your lunch, Tommy." Carson said. "I'm not hungry." Tommy frowned, and the young man turned around. "I know, but you'll daddy will worry if you don't try. Go get your lunch, Tommy. You can stop by and see your daddy." Carson said. "I'll come back when he is gone." Tommy said, and a moment later, he teleported himself to His pappy's practice, to watch.


It kept awkward for a couple long minute. "You never came back." He finally said. "No...I couldn't...I didn't expect you to come find me either, Blaise." He said softly. "I kept trying-" He started to say. "I know what you said, I do, really...But things were going on, not just at school and you haven't the slightest idea what they would have thought if they would have known I might actually have somebody there." Ryan said. "I'm not afraid of your muggle father, trust me, he won't fight when he can't breath." He replied back. "You can go, Carson. I don't need a babysitter." Ryan said. "Firstly, this is my office and second, your brother-" Carson started. "I'll take him outside then."


Ryan really didn't feel the most comfortable around Carson, and needed some air anyway so he jumped up on the wall behind the Auto shop, getting looked at. "You aren't going to tell me why you really didn't came back, are you?" Blaise asked. "You won't leave until you know, will you?" Ryan then asked. "I wasn't planning on leaving much at all, Ryan. My education was finished mostly last year, I'm simply kept this year because of quidditch and a bit more of history. I don't actually have to keep attending." He said and Ryan let out a sigh. "You are wasting your time, okay? It was different...I guess, when it was only Bryson, but it's not...I didn't come back... Because I...had Believe in February, My daughter, and my father is a complete ass, and it didn't go over well. I'm living with my brother and his family now and they aren't the biggest fan of Hogwarts or to much magic. Doesn't seem to help some of their mentally stuff anyway." Ryan said. Blaise just walked over and before another thing could be said, Ryan got a light kiss. "You just let me help keep you safe, and let me see the kiddos." He would say. "It's...not my call. My brother, even with me 18, has custody and my kids because of what happened...and I don't know how they would feel about me being you home...they know the kids are mixed...and they are somewhat opens, but somebody form Syria is still not the same." He said softly. "then talk to your fa- brother, because I'm not running and you aren't running form me, okay? You know I won't hurt you, beside I promised the kid another trick." Blaise replied. "I think he would like flying, he just can't really on his own right now because he's been unwell." Ryan said. "Sure, but go talk to your brother."


Draco raised an eyebrow seeing the kid. "Your face still looks oddly the same." Draco said, seeing the boy who was six years younger. "I...wasn't expecting you here, Malfoy." He said. "This home was summoned a long time ago, you should hand over the wand until I know for certain of your intent." Draco said. "I simply came for Ryan." He said. "Then you don't have a problem handing it over until otherwise. You know the stigma that comes with our house and that boy has been hurt,badly, by somebody at that school." Draco pointed out. Slowly, the wand was handed over and Blaise and Ryan would disappear into the home.


They would be unsure the outcome of the young man with such a broken boy.

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