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"You couldn't have brushed your hair at least? I don't like the idea already." Luke said when North came down the stairs. With his boyfriends jacket zipped up around his body. "Or dressed." Luke added. "I was busy and didn't know what to expect." He whispered and Luke let out a sigh. "It isn't important. I'm getting you both homeschool and Narcissa is going to help you with a bit of magic." Luke said. "Cool, can I go?" He whined and after a roll of the eyes. "Fine, but he better know the news by dinner." Luke said. "Okay." North said.

"I haven't caught your name." Narcissa said, went the boyfriend came down later, North fell asleep after their activities and North getting really upset telling him the news. "Neil." He said kind of softly, grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. "I thought you were suppose to stay here?" Narcissa said. "I'm suppose to show up to the court date. I have stuff to do." Neil said, turning to the door only to let out a huff. "Unless it's a job, one that's not some cash for your buddies, you aren't going anywhere." Luke said. "I don't need a parent, I'm not taking off if that's what you think, but I still have shit to do." Neil said. Luke thought for a moment before he spoke again. "You aren't driving." He said. "Fine." He said, getting thrown a sit of keys. "Be back by ten, Neil." Narcissa said. "The bus won't leave until nine something." Neil said and after a pause. "Half after ten then." Narcissa said. "Fine." He said. "Let the boy go, Luke." Narcissa said and after a pause, Luke step away form the door.

Draco woke up getting a poke by Harry to his cheek. Draco smiled lightly, yawning. Harry then wiggled close to Draco who locked his arms around Harry. "I love you, Harry." Draco said. "Love...you...too....Luke...said we...go tomorrow to work." Harry mumbled. "I think it will be good for you. I'll be there and so will Luke. No need to worry, Harry." Draco said, as Draco yawned again. "Bath..." Harry mumbled. "Alright, come on. I'll run you a bath." Draco said and they slowly climbed out the bed.

"Just were did he go, that was so important?" Luke said, slightly annoyed when North finally came down the stairs. He still looked like sleep, yawning. He was hungry, very. "Skatepark I'd say." North said, getting followed into the kitchen. "I don't recall seeing a skateboard." Luke said. "I'm sure he stopped by his house to get it, Luke. You need sleep." North said, opening the fridge. "Luke, take a nap at least. You have to work tomorrow, if I heard correctly." Narcissa said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Luke let out a sigh. "Yes, he already spoke to everybody there and they agreed give us space. They could really use the extra set of hands. The boss is really behind on paperwork and enough to keep Draco busy a while, I'm sure." Luke said. "Then get some sleep while you have the chance. You are awfully cranky." Narcissa said.

"This place is huge, why is he asleep on the floor?" Neil asked North that night. North was sitting on the couch, his nose deep into a book Narcissa handed him about Magic. "I'm...not sure. I haven't talked to him since before she died. Angel is laying under the blanket their beside him. I'm not sure what's about. Odd, she's just his step kid, but calls him daddy now." North said, before the Tray was said on the table. Narcissa had made some tea and was dressed in her night clothes. North grabbed some tea. "I really only heard about a kid brother, once or twice. We only knew them a short time before that night." Narcissa said, getting herself a cup of tea and dropping down to sit on the love sit, across form the couch. "Even so...Angel, last I seen, didn't like him." North said and she looked over, as to be sure the girl was asleep. "The worlds (speaking about magic and the muggle world) are evil. So are people. Angel and your sister got caught in the middle of that evil. Your sister, if she had not tried to stop it, I don't think would have been killed. She wasn't, however, about to let that man get to such a little girl. Though, your sister was already at a disadvantage." Narcissa said getting an eyebrow raised at her. "She would have been what, ten?" Neil said. "She was. She hasn't been the same, and when Luke didn't just throw her away, because he is a very good person, she's been glued to his side since." Narcissa said. "Why her though?" North finally said. "I wish I knew. She's...better, but with what happened to Harry, I guess it's brought back her own memories, so she's a little scared again, I'm hoping you two can help me with that." Narcissa said. "I'm guessing he doesn't want me leaving much?" Neil said. "Neither do I. Harry was kidnap and no place is safe it seems. It would take a couple tries and I will have to know what it looks like, but I can put a ramp in the back yard. Plenty of room." She said. "I...suppose I could make do with that. Though, I'm not sure how we could help. She doesn't know me." Neil said. "She hardly knows me." North said. "Just...keeping her busy if she wakes up, Luke needs sleep, and Your schoolwork can be turn in anytime, almost, you two can asleep whatever pretty much." She asked. "As long as We stay?" Neil somewhat huff. "For now, you'll be fine." Narcissa said, before Zane started to fuss for his mama. "Goodnight, boys." She said, before she headed for the stairs. "Hush, now. Mommy's coming." She said, as she disappear up the stairs.

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