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Two weeks passed by pretty quickly with nothing much happening, the only thing that changed, is Blaise never left. He, like the rest of them, Wonder why the lot of them stopped using magic, but it wasn't that important. After a week Blaise got his wand back and Took Tommy flying twice so far and would one more time, before his new round of chemotherapy started. Something else, Blaise didn't really understand, but they did and that was all that mattered.
This morning, Ryan woke up getting his hair stroked by his boyfriend, start again, after their night together. "Hi." He yawned. "I overheard your brother saying tomorrow was your birthday." Blaise said. "Then he must of also told you, today was his? Tommy and the girls order a few things. Remember, I'm their driver. They want it to be a surprise." Ryan said. "I remember you telling you telling me about driving the van today, but what if Tommy get really ill? I noticed it happens suddenly sometimes." He said. "He can teleport himself back if need be, but he should be alright." Ryan said, before pulling Blaise close and started kissing him. Blaise had just gotten started when Angel knocked on the door. "Uncle!" She said. "Baby, can you give me ten minutes?" Ryan asked. "Uncle, you promised!" She said. "Five minutes, Angel. I'm in the middle of doing something with your uncle." Blaise said. "Blaise!" Ryan said, but the footsteps went away. "She's fourteen, she's a big girl." Blaise said, lending down for a kiss before finishing up their activities.


"You got it on my stomach, why?" Ryan fussed, standing at the mirror in the bathroom. "Did you want another baby? Because I can wait three days and blow it inside your ass you know?" Blaise said, fixing his belt. "Not right now, but it's sticky!" Ryan said, getting a kiss. "You are adorable." Blaise said. "Come on, the children are waiting." He added.
They joined the breakfast table, the kids taking away. "Carson is coming over today." Harry said. "Why did you tell him?" Luke said, easing back in his chair. "Because the man cares. He has gone out of his way to try and help and learn, even if it is only to understand the child they got stuck with, so to say." Harry said. "Luke, you not only have children, but a true family. Your birthday matters." Narcissa said, giving the top of the man's head a kiss who rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Who's watching the shop then?" Luke asked. "His wife is." Harry said. "She's cool." Luke said.


Breakfast finished and Ryan was driving the van. Tommy asleep in his car seat, he wasn't feeling to good but had to go with them, so he would sleep on the car ride. Summer and Angel in the middle set a seats, and Blaise riding passenger. "Now, why are you wanting to go to the house? I guess really the shed." Ryan asked. "Because...I want mom's locket, daddy said I could get it and Summer and I are going to get a box of cothes to take to the church, people need them you know? They are just getting really dusty...and...it's time." Angel said. "You won't ever forget about your mum, Angel. I know your daddy doesn't always like to talk about it, because it's painful, but you won't forget." Ryan said. "I know...if they move out, he wants to sell the house." Angel said. "I can understand, really. Afterwards, were are we going?" Ryan asked. "To get the cake, and the pictures. Our box should be dropped off by the time we get back! Charlie promised to keep him busy. Charlie last Match is this weekend, you know?" Angel said. "I do know. I believe we are all attending. He's disappointed, but it's to keep them both safe." Ryan said. "I know, but he's flown for how many years? He is just disappeared." Angel said. "Yes, I know dear. He will be okay. This last weeks will past by before they know it." Ryan said.


They returned back to the house a few hours later, Narcissa had also made a cake, so there are now two big cakes sitting on the counter, as the girls joined the other children upstairs. Zane like the 'big' baby, so Zane had brought Bryson downstairs to play, before his nap was fully over so Bryson sat in his diaper, but pushing the toy car around with Zane when Ryan picked him up off the floor. "Now why are you naked?" Ryan said, but Bryson laughed and grabbed at his face. "Zane likes the 'big' baby." Narcissa said, reaching over and ruffling his hair. "Bryson sleeps better for some reason without his clothes. I'm assuming it's because the nursery is warm." She said. "He's just a spoiled boy, isn't that right." Ryan said. "I take it Believe is still in the nursery then?" He asked. "Yes, of course." She said and they too, would disappear up the stairs.


So, Luke's little family celebration started about dinner time and for once he could say he wouldn't change it. Normally, he would rather just climb in bed and sleep the day away, the memories of everything to much, but today, had really been different and his husband to be would pull him upstairs. "Tommy is still-" Luke said, but got caught off by a kiss. "You just shh, little boy." Charlie said, before he kicked the bedroom door shut and charmed the room.


Luke left Charlie sleeping in their bedroom, grabbed his old lunch box and slowly found his way to the attic. His lunch box had been opened, not by him and he failed to read the note, written by his brother before he clothes it up and view later. Now, sitting alone in the attic, his finger tracing the scars on his forearm, still hating that magical side of him. He let out a sigh and slowly opened it up, and picked up the note; You can make things fly you know? It's easy and it would mean a lot to the kids if you accepted who you are, Brother. I know what he done, I drew the memories to get a clear picture. I know it's hard to overcome the fears, but There's this huge world your children are apart of and so are you and if would mean a lot. Nobody has I know, right away, just give it a try? Luke let out a sigh. He just didn't know how to make himself pick his wand up, he just couldn't. The lunch box would be shoved into a box up in the attic and Luke would return back to his room, just hating himself again, for being magical. He just couldn't be magical, nothing good could come form him, Rupert 'Luke' Thomason, being Magical..

PTSDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora