chapter sixteen

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Harry sat outside that evening, he called up Luke, who just had just dropped beside him in the grass under a big oak tree in the park in the heart of town. It was very late, only other people there, were some teenage couple. A bit two friendly with one another out in such a public area. "How...did you know what the nightmares were?" Harry kept his voice quiet, pulling out a cigarette. The one form his hand got took, and with a roll of his eyes, he grabbed another one. "I was once there." Luke said a bit softly, before lighting the smoke. "Are you just saying that...?" Harry knew sometimes people played games, this wasn't one of those time. "No. I believe mine were lesser, as I don't have PTSD, but I have been triggered once or twice. It's been few years, nearly ten. The struggle never fully goes away, but it does get easier." Harry lend back against the trunk of the tree and shook his head. "It's more then just the war, Luke." He just nodded. "I'm aware. I'm not an idiot, nor am I so worried about learning to blend into a whole knew world, and just taken on a special needs child...with two broken teenagers." Harry raised an eyebrow. "I'm twenty mind you." Luke let out a chuckle. "And I'm nearly thirty-five." Harry shook his head. "You said-" Luke nodded, not giving him a chance to finish. "I know what I said, and I meant that. Mine jumped form my father, to my ex-wife. It was most difficult to get out of, because nobody believed it. It's normally not woman who are the's seen as men should be able to get away, but...I wasn't as luckily." Harry was quiet, for serval minutes. "The...abuse stopped once I turned seventeen...I was, at that point, legal to use magic outside of school...but doesn't...take the pains away...or the memories...and then the war just added so much...and then...what relationship I had with Draco got thrown away because of the war...and I'm suppose to just get better. That isn't so easy...I get to gone She'll worry and I'll be damned it they lock me in the nut house." Luke got to his feet, looking down at Harry. "It's not as easy to hold somebody against their will in a mental institution...But yes, she will worry, she cares very much about you, Harry. Let her. Find a way to fix yourself, without the alcohol. Find a way to let somebody know what happened, even if you don't say by who." Harry slowly got to his feet. "What ... Good does admitting it do?"  Luke started to walk down the small walk trail, and Harry followed. "I don't have the full answer, but I do know not running from it helped me. I know it will help you. Along with, having a friend, a family and getting ready for your child. You aren't alone, and let us help you. I hate to lose the frist friend I have really had in a long time." Harry frowned for a moment. "All those men talk to you, how do you not have friends?" Luke then looked back at Harry, and stopped his movements. "I'm a father of three, with a paralyzed wife. I love my kids and I will follow my wife to the grave, but all those other men? Are either younger or older. Without children. Without a partner. I have my drinking nights too, but I can no longer party. There's many things different between us. Your much younger, but I believe we can help each other out." Harry really didn't know what else to stay, so They walked together...around the park, in silence.

Luke walked Harry home. It was late and he just felt better to be sure Harry got home. It is as well after midnight and Harry let out a yawn, before standing at the apartment door. "Thank you..." Luke just gave Harry a smile. "Have miss Mama babysit the baby again sometime soon? He loved her company and I know she very much enjoyed his. Oh, and be sure Lucius isn't calling my wife so late with his questions. She needs her rest." Harry nodded. "I'll be sure to talk to him, or at least have Narcissa pass along the message. Just...Drop the baby off. Narcissa will love the surprise. You can leave the girls, as well." Luke let out a sigh. "I don't think my step daughter will be around to much. We are back in a custody battle, and staying with her grandmother until things get worked out." Harry frown. "I really wish you'd just talk to your step daughter, Luke. She'll understand." Luke let out another sigh. "It's not up to me, Harry. She isn't my daughter. I can't even adopt her unless he gives up his right and she would never let me. That girl hates me. I don't even know why. My wife, doesn't want her to know...and I have failed countless times at convincing her otherwise." Harry frown and the door opened. "It's long past curfew." Narcissa spoke softly and unconcerned. She knew who Harry had been with, but it was nearing one in the morning. "That would be my fault. We've been...talking." Narcissa raised an eyebrow at Luke, before turning towards Harry. "Are you feeling better?" After a moment. "I think I am." Narcissa nodded. "Try and hurry? It's awful late."

Harry wasn't really up for more talking, so they said their goodbyes and Harry slowly into the kitchen, grabbing stuff to make a sandwich with. "Next time, at least leave a note about when you think you'll be? I had no clue and I do worry." Harry looked back at her. "I... wasn't it to go that way...time go away." She smiled lightly. "I'm glad, Harry."

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