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Their summer morning starting the same as it has since the children were home for the summer. With more heads. Carson, Cassidy and Lilly kept with them. Giving Narcissa a hand in care of the children, at least Cassidy was. Carson was often at the auto shop with the boys, Harry, Draco, Luke, Ryan and Blaise. Right now? With Draco due any day, was still currently in bed, as the household came alive.

Narcissa stood in the kitchen with Cassidy who found a fussy girl this morning. Believe. Believe was a mix girl of almost six months old. She was in a light summer dress with her binky held in Cassidy's fingers, whom she been trying to get the baby to take, but Believe just fussed until she was handed her bottle by Narcissa. "I'm not so used to little ones. You think after three weeks I'd picked up on something." She sighed. "How? You wasn't exposed normally to children. My understanding is...Your relationship with your sister isn't well?" Narcissa asked, turning back towards the stove. Believe rested against Cassidy as she started to drink her bottle. "She is quiet younger then myself...I was a teenager when she was born. I left home, when I eloped with Carson." She said, getting a light smile. "Carson very much loves you, but your home is rather large?" She asked, but already knew the answer. "Yes, we could never get pregnant. After a bit, we fostered older children, but until Lily, we never really had a true child and she'll be gone again soon enough." Cassidy said. "The school is good for her. Things have long claim down since the boys went to school." Narcissa said. "That is clear. Carson hoped you wouldn't mind if we stayed for a bit?" She asked. "Of course not! The children love both of you, Believe was just a hungry girl this morning. I think Ryan fails to give her enough when she wakes up in the middle of the night." Narcissa said. "He's young, and the boy he is with...says one thing, but Carson is sure that isn't true." Cassidy said. "Blaise's been a good young man for Ryan, that is all that matters and the children have another parent who love them." Narcissa said.


Soon enough, their large dining room was filled with everybody, adults and children eating. The children talking about school starting in less then a month, but Noah and Charlie conversations kept to quidditch, their matches coming up. Nothing abnormal about their breakfast happened and soon the house hold empty. For work or summer activities.
Draco went to lay back down and Narcissa handed Remus a cup of coffee, joining him on the couch. "The only way we can get your boy here, Fully...is if you'd agreed to let Lucius and I sign the paperwork. They won't approve Harry because I'm still their power of attorney." Narcissa said. "Harry, told me, I just...I haven't felt myself." Remus said. "That...might not be something that happens, Remus. I know your boy will be thankful to have you, even if your limited. Lucius has bad days." Narcissa said softly, as Remus took a drink of the coffee he was handed. "Are you certain they will let you? You have three children and Power over two grown boys." Remus said. "Yes. Luke went over the paperwork with me. She's just wanting to meet with me, for unrelated matters, but I'm positive it won't be a problem." Narcissa said. "Thank you, really. Draco seemed a bit uncomfortable at breakfast?" Remus comment on. "I'll check on him shortly. Would you care to keep an eye on Bryson? He's getting into everything today. I was hoping to set him outside to play before the heat of the day." Narcissa said. "Sure, but I'd like to keep Believe if she's still up?" Remus said. "Of course, thank you!" Narcissa said.


Remus sat on the swing outside as Bryson ran around the yard and Believe sat on his lap, sucking on her binky, watching her big brother run around as Narcissa went to check on Draco who still laid fast sleep in bed, she was thankful for that, so she went outside, holding Ocean who was buddled in a blanket on her way back to sleep. Bryson having a ball playing in the grass. "I guess he was asleep?" Remus asked. "Yeah. I don't see the point to wake him, currently. I'll get a read on him later. Are you wanting to come watch the games this weekend?" She asked. "I'd like that." Remus said softly, looking down at the giggley girl in his lap. Believe was getting wiggly. She wanted to play too like her big brother. Narcissa smiled at the little girl. "Now, is somebody trying to be a big girl?" Narcissa smiled big.
Narcissa looked around, even if it wasn't needed, because they lived in a home not around another neighbor. She was always worried somebody might be watching, before she pulled out her wand. Believe's walker was summoned and Remus put the six months old inside. Narcissa summoned her a couple of toys that Believe was quick to start playing with, being such a giggly little girl.
"You've talked to Carson some, does he seem to mind staying here?" Narcissa asked Remus, after going inside for more tea. "Carson is so thankful to be here, Nass. Cassidy has a friend, you, and Lilly has children like her, to be around and normal children as well. Lilly can be herself here and is very loved. They are very thankful, and Carson has grown to care very much for Luke. He knew Luke at sixteen I believe?" Remus said, pouring himself a bit of tea form the pot, glancing over at the 19 month old still running around the yard. "I think maybe 18. I don't think you can work in that shop before then, but Carson has always looked after Luke the best he could. Thankful he meet Lucy and worried so much when she was killed. Thankful again, for Charlie and his kids." Remus said and she smiled lightly. "I am too. They lived here after she died...Angel of Course is who we worried about the most, but I never stopped worrying about Luke. There...were times the man ended up at the foot of our bed. Lucius was certain he just needed the comfort of parents, now knowing just what the fuck his father done, I understand his Hestation on accepting my husband and I, but he has in his own way." Narcissa said. "I am glad, your husband and yourself moved forward, I am." Remus said, getting a light smile. "It wasn't very easy. Draco was so broken and my husband...is still physically broken. He still keeps me from knowing what all took place those days, suppose...I can't be that upset, but I don't like not having all the pieces." Narcissa said. "I understand, really." Remus said.

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