Chapter 23

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Harry kept quiet the whole time Luke and Angel were feeding the boys. "Narcissa doesn't think it's a good idea ... But nobody should come for him in company. Take him to that auto shop. He was real good with those...things right?" Lucius said and Luke gave little Harry a pat on his head. "I suppose I could try. Angel, you going to help keep an eye on the babies?" Luke asked. "You coming home soon?" She frowned. "I'll call if we stay to let. Grandpa and grandma aren't going to let anything happen. It's after hours too, so nobody should be there. It might be perfect." Luke said. "Hurry. I don't want Narcissa to put a stop to it. I do believe it's what might help." Lucius said and Luke nodded.

Luke pretty much had to drag Harry out of the house, but soon Harry walked. A slow walk. "I'm taking you to the auto shop. There's a couple cars that could use some work. They'll be thrilled to have them back sooner then told, you know?" Luke said. "....I...just...wanted to walk." Harry mumbled. "We know why you went out, Harry. remember anything about that day?" Luke ask, but they stopped by a snow man the children in the neighborhood had made. "Not...really. I...didn't know...who I was for a few months..." Harry whispered, easing down to his knees. "I...don't...want...him to know, Luke ..." Harry mumbled, jumping lightly at the hand being on his back, but relaxed. "Harry. We aren't stupid. We don't expect you to want to talk about it, but the...condition your in right now says enough. He is, however, your partner. He should know, but in time." Luke said. "it...not...what you think..." He mumbled, getting joined to sit. "I know, Harry. You don't have to talk about it right now. I want your help on a couple cars, alright? Something you used to do." Luke said and after a pause, Harry nodded.

"Oh, I didn't expect anybody to be here." Luke said, pushing opened the door. "Paperwork. I don't remember approving overtime." Said their boss, before he raised an eyebrow. "Is that Harry hiding behind you?" He then asked. " I said, I didn't expect anybody to be here, and I'm coming on my own time. Lucius...thought it might help." Luke said. "...You can't be here off the clock...clock in, him two. Try...not to spend more then a couple hours, Luke. I can't pay much overtime without an explanation. He was never terminated, so his number will work." He said, making a slow walk over. "It's...good to see you again, Harry." He said. "I...guess." He mumbled. "...If you can keep your daughter away for the cars, you three can come in after hours, work for a few weeks alone. I understand your daughter is also having a hard time at times. So, let's make it easier on everybody. Harry, was and I am sure, still, a good worker." He said. "Harry...Would you be alright with that? I think it would be good for you." Luke said and Harry just shrugged his shoulder. "Let me Text you in a couple days, please." Luke said. "Very well, Luke. Get...better, Harry. We'd loved to have you back, your normal hours." He said and as he walked away. "They'll....stay away form me?" Harry whispered. "Luke and I can have a conversation with them, Harry. I'm sure they will understand. Getting back into the routine of your life will help, I think." His boss replied. "...When?" Harry mumbled. "Two days? It will give us time to talk to everybody and get you a new uniform. I can see your clothes are much to large for you now." He replied. "...okay...." He mumbled. "Bring your daughter. She's called me, a few times. She promise to stay out of the way, but I understand the anniversary was not that long ago. Only for a week or so, but I understand her need for you." His boss said. "Thank you, could...we still stay? Just an hour? I think it would help." Luke said and he got thrown a set of keys. "I really can't...but my oil needs to be changed? You can do that, outside on your own time." His boss said.

Harry, felt a little better after working on the car. His mind not much. Still some. "I think you should give it a try, Harry. We will talk with them, Harry. I can tell you though, they won't hurt you." Luke said. "...a did.... Luke...I....was lucky if it...was only one..." Harry mumbled, easing down to the ground and locked his arms around his body. "Harry...It's over okay? We won't let that happen again, okay?" Luke said, putting his hand down. Harry shook his head. "You... can't know...that!" Harry said. "Narcissa and Lucius can't let that happen, again. It was nearly impossible to keep Draco together. I'm sure if it wasn't for the pregnancy. He would have lost himself to that depression. I know you know that." Luke said. Harry looked up at him, but took his hand. Luke pulled him back to his feet. "It's over, Harry. Come, Narcissa has dinner waiting. You should eat." Luke said. "...silly...but...I...want a bath..." Harry whispered. "She'll gladly run you a bath Harry, come. Let's go home."

Harry just pushed the food around. He really wasn't hungry. His body still ache. "Harry...please try to eat something?" Narcissa asked, but Harry just hurried out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. "He wanted a bath. I'm sure it will be good for him. Try again, at breakfast." Luke suggested. "I still don't understand how you think taking him back to work is going to help." Narcissa said.  "He can't just be left to think. He proved that a long time ago, didn't he?" Luke pointed out.

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