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"Well, you and your sister are stuck with me." Luke said. "We're cool with that. Piper enjoys Angel. Close to her age and Angels a good friend. Sweet girl. Dad tells me once in a while she'll pull you into the living room to sleep?" Noah asked. "Yeah. She still gets nightmares, but she's doing a lot better." Luke said, before they finished their lunch.

They picked up Harry and Draco, before going back to the house. Little Harry was quick to run outside to greet his daddies. "Hi, big boy!" Draco said, picking up his now three year old boy. "Hi, daddy!" He giggled. "Hi, pappy!" He waved getting his hair ruffled by his pappy, Harry. "Tommy!" HJ giggled and then wiggled down. The two boys running back into the house.

Narcissa had dinner going a little while later, but when North came through the door, Luke wasn't happy seeing his face busted. "North-" Luke started. "It's nothing." North said. "Did this happen at school?" Luke said. "No, on the way home and I'm fine." North said, before Neil walked in, putting West, their two and half year old toddler, down on his feet. "Go play, buddy." Neil said, before the toddler run off to play. "What happened." Luke said. "Somebody asking questions about West, and surprised he had a kid. That surprised got a little rude and there was a fight. It's not that big of a deal and we can handle it, Luke." Neil said and he let out a sigh. "Very well, try and clean yourself up for dinner." Luke said.

Harry give Draco a kiss, who was standing at the mirror in the bathroom, after a quick shower. Even not working on cars himself, he hated the smell it out on them. He always got a little fussy until Harry took a shower with him, and he did. Their shower turned more into an activity then showering. Draco smiled, turning his head to give Harry a kiss. "I'm smelling dinner." Draco said and Harry smiled. "Yeah, she's cooking. Charlie let her know he is on the way home." Draco said and Harry nodded. "Yeah, come on." Draco said.

The dinning room table full of everybody, including Charlie still in his quidditch uniform, Tommy was quick to climbed up in his lap and got his hair ruffled. "What is it buddy?" Charlie said, and he opened his hand, for the little training snitch to fly out his head. Charlie smiled. "Your getting faster." Charlie said and he smiled. "I like to fly." Tommy said, watching it fly off and into the house.

"Noah says something's been on your mind, but he can't seem to pin point it." Luke said that night, Tommy asleep in the toddler bed in the corner of the room. He didn't really like to sleep in the room with HJ and Zane, so he had a part in their room that was all his own. "It's nothing, Luke." He said a little softly. "Look, I get I don't understand everything in your world, but you can still talk to me." Luke said, easing back to lay down on the bed. "It's fine, really. Just overthinking I'm sure." He whispered, easing back to straddle the man. Luke smiled lightly, getting a kiss. "Promise?" He asked getting a nod. "I'm fine, you just worry about me not having to cast the charm on the boy." Charlie said.

It was about two in the morning and Luke's phone was ringing. It woke Tommy, who whined but he grabbed the new touch screen phone off his daddy's end table. A name he could read, but he didn't remember hearing much about. Zoe. He yawned and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Um, hi...Do I have the wrong number?"

"I don't know. Who's this?"

"My name is Zoe, who's this?"


"Oh, my. I guess your a big boy now. Five?"

"I'm four."

His talking, wake up Charlie who was already not sleeping well. Feeling sick to his stomach. "Tommy, who are you talking to?" Charlie yawn, sitting up. Seeing Tommy standing holding the phone to his ear. "She's Zoe." Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Let me see the phone, then get back in bed."

"Hello, Zoe. I'm certain you could of picked a more reasonable time to call." Charlie said, after stepping outside the bedroom. "I need to speak to Rupert." She said. "Nobody calls him that, and I'm certain your phone call isn't welcomed." Charlie said. "I need to speak to him, I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important." She said and after a pause he put the call on hold.
Tommy wiggled into the big bed and that had woke Luke up who was handed the phone. "She wouldn't tell me why she called and I'm not sure how long she was on with Tommy before I woke up." Charlie said, easing to sit back down in the bed. Luke let out a sigh and put the phone to his ear. "What do you want, Zoe?" Luke asked. "They admitted Patrick into the hospital, Rupert. They don't expect twelve hours, Can you bring Northwest to the hospital?" Zoe said. "I can't make him see his father, you realize that." Luke said. "I'm sure if your explain the situation." She said and Luke grabbed the pen and paper off the end table. "Fine, what's the information?" Luke's asked ending the phone call after he got the information needed. "I'm not sleepy anymore." Tommy fussed and Luke let out a sigh. "Well, I'm sure she'd want to see you anyway. Can you get him dressed?" Luke asked. "Yeah, I'll get him ready."

"What the hell am I even suppose to say?" North yawned about four that morning in the van. "You don't have to say anything, North." Luke said, driving. "Do you even know what's wrong?" North asked. "No, I didn't ask, I still don't think you should of brought West." Luke said. "Go wif." Yawned the sleepy boy.

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