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The rest of the car ride was quiet, the two boys asleep in their car seats by the time they pulled into the hospital parking lot. Angel and Summer had been woke up but only Angel wanted to go. It has been a long time since she seen her grandparents and did understand her grandfather was dying. She wanted to see him.

It took about an hour for the group to be took back to the hospital room, Tommy holding onto Luke hand, Charlie holding west who was asleep as North went ahead of them with angel close behind her. "Do you just not like your first name?" Charlie asked. "Long story, only a couple people still call me that and I haven't really spoken to my parents in years. Like, nearly 13 years." Luke said. "When you started seeing her?" Charlie asked. "That's was just the last straw...They didn't approve of me dating somebody with a kid, so no. They know another about Summer, Tommy, or you guys." Luke said and he nodded. "Do you cheek up on them, at all?" He asked and he let out a sigh. "Around Christmas I'll call my little brother. So in a few days I'll call again, but I haven't told him about my life either." Luke said.

North shoved his hands into his pockets before slowly pushing open the door to the hospital room. It been over three years since he seen his parents, almost two since he even spoke to them. He differently wasn't expecting all the machines and how sick his father looked, bad.
It was definitely awkward and he had no idea what to say. Finally, Zoe broke the ice. "I'm certain you had that baby of yours." She said. "Let's not act like you actually care about me." North said. "You know as well as I do, I have always cared about you and your sister." She said. "You do not get to talk about her. You nor him even shown up to burry her!" North said. "Your sister, shouldn't of been buried at 30 years old Northwest." She said and he huff out. "So that give you the right to not show up and then just kick me out because you or him didn't want to face who the hell I was? Why did you even call?" North asked and after a long pause, she ease back. "I realized I made mistakes with how I handle you, Northwest." She said. "North...just North." He whispered, pulling his hands out his pockets and crossed his arms. She seen the engagement ring on his hand. "Your Seventeen." She said. "With a two and half year old and the same partner for four years." North said and she let out a sigh. "I'm not sure if he'll wake again North, just...sit down for a while, would you?" She asked.

About seven, West was done with Charlie and Luke and wiggled away to find his daddy. "Just let him go." Charlie said. "You don't have to stay. After all, this is my family Drama." Luke said, getting a kiss on his check. "Maybe before I asked you to marry me, but even then. Your mine. North is your finally too." Charlie said. "We actually tried to get him when he got the letter, but we didn't have really anything in this world we could use. We even offered to pay for the school, but it's a different world and they were older." Luke said. "I have heard the troubles muggles have with learning about our world, so I can understand how they might not of handle it the right away. It also makes the pregnancy difficulties to accept, but once the new of it claim down, and you took the load off, they should of contacted you, I really think they should have." Charlie said and Luke let out a sigh. "Well...I wasn't very kind when they didn't show up to her funeral. I wasn't very...nice at all...But after a year or so I did call her back and did apologize for what I said...but..." Luke said. "Wait...You never told me that." Charlie said softly. Luke look down, Tommy was asleep on his lap once again and Luke let out a sigh. "I don't like talking about that time frame, Charlie. Angel's biological father was the one who attack her, again. There wasn't any proof the frist time, but I'm certain he was the reason she was in the chair to begin with. She never talked about it. For a while, he wasn't even in the picture, but Angel? Started to want to see him and at first it went fine...she started getting an attitude thought and being rude and I started asking questions, questions that never really answered our once he hit my wife? I refused to let Angel go back over there." Luke said, to feel a light kiss on his cheek. "It wasn't your fault, Luke. You had no control over the actions of that man." Charlie said and he shrugged his shoulders. "Its not that easy, because I don't know the real reason he went off like he did...but he had....beat her, to the point even Narcissa couldn't fix it. She tried, it ended up causing a a seizure so she had to stop trying...She stopped breathing soon after, her spinal cord was just to damaged to support her anymore...then...after all that? I guess I left the part out I walked in on him on top of a ten year old, I seen red, ended up with a few stitches myself and I walked wirh a limp for a while." Luke said, getting his hand grabbed. "You carry around that picture still?" Charlie asked. "Yeah, you said it was fine." He said. "It is. Let me see it, I haven't really been able to picture the woman yet." Charlie said.

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