Chapter Fifteen

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"Is there a way you can cover Harry today?" Narcissa asked roughly a hour later. Harry laid on the couch, his knees to his chest with a blanket thrown over him. "He alright?" His co-worker said as Narcissa handed him the baby boy who held into a baby bottle, half full of milk. "Bad day, I think. He never speaks about what's wrong, but his aunt told me the signs." He looked over at the couch and then at her. "If I didn't work today, then I could...I could just stay with him. Nobody really bothers him there." After a moment, Narcissa let out a sigh.

Narcissa eased down to her knees before the couch, just a few minutes later. She rested a hand on Harry's shoulder to give him a light shake. Harry's eyes shot up, with fear, but quickly turned to... Narcissa wasn't sure, but the fear quickly left. "You should eat. Breakfast is ready." She let her voice be soft, but she was concerned. Harry slowly sat up, putting his feet on the carpet below, the blanket falling off his shoulders. He just gave a small nod, but eating wasn't something he could do right now. He disappeared up the stairs, to get ready for the day or work.

His co-worker put an arm around his shoulders as they started to walk the street to the auto shop. "You're awfully quiet." Harry just nodded, easing his arm off him. Harry put his hands in his front pockets, and walked a bit ahead of his new work friend. "Harry." He sounded concern and out a hand on Harry's shoulder to stop his movements. Harry hesitated, but turned back around to face him. "...Just be right now. I've...been sober for weeks...there's a reason I was drinking to sleep." Harry mumbled, before turning back around and ran ahead of him. His friend (new) just let out a sigh, and made the walk slowly to the auto shop. Uncertain if he is making the right decision, getting involved in such a complicated family. However...His own family matter to him. If they could help his wife or even watch the kids, then he kind of had to do his part, to try an help his younger-broken friend.

Lunch time came, and He found Harry sitting in the back area, hands cleaned off, with a cigarette in his mouth. He just eased down beside Harry and picked up the pack, taking one for himself. "You really shouldn't be smoking." Harry just shrugged his shoulders, easing back against the tree. Watching the few cars go by on the road. "Nightmares?" Harry looked over at him, and after a moment give a nod. "Keep a journal, I found it helpful." Harry shook his head. "That isn't an option." Harry's voice was quiet, but his friend, The tag on his shirt now read Luke, just looked confused. Before the realization hit him. "Because it'll prove what happen to you?" Harry just slowly turned his attention back to the road, he wasn't about to admit anything. Luke just tapped on his shoulder, but got brushed off. "Maybe that's some of the problem, Harry." Harry put the cigarettes out on the bottom of his boot, before getting back to his feet. "Nobody is to know what happened. It's in the past, it doesn't matter." Luke got to his feet, and shook his head. "It does matter. You know that, or you wouldn't still be struggling. People care about you know. I know you know that." Harry wanted to be pissed, but just crossed his arms at his chest. "Your point?" Harry kept his voice low, almost mumbled. "My point? Something else needs to be done. You need your rest, if not for you then for him. Hell, I even tattoo the boy's name on your arm!" He throw his arms up and Harry let out a sigh. "...Fine." Harry mumbled walking away, to head back inside the Auto shop.

Harry felt the kiss on his cheek when he got out of the shower right after work. Harry smiled at Draco lightly and walked over to the desk, with a new bought notebook. "Your friend...I haven't quiet caught his name yet, Said you haven't said to much today." Draco's voice was concerned, as Harry eased down at the desk, and took Draco's hand, pulling him to sit on his leg. Harry give Draco a nod, to get a kiss on the forehead. "Go to bed, early, with me tonight. Your off tomorrow, yes?" Harry gave Draco a light nod. "Come, dinners ready." Harry just shook his head. "I...think I should just rest, Go eat." Harry's voice was very very soft and low. After a light kiss, Draco slowly went downstairs.

Draco smiled. Anne was already dressed for bed, sitting half asleep at the dinning room table nuzzled in a blanket on Lucius lap. She wasn't feeling to good, but she was very happy. She got her new hearing aids today, and for the first time in a very long time (for such a little girl) she could hear everything. She had a big day and she wasn't feeling too good. She was ready for bed, she wasn't really even that hungry. Even Lucius looked stronger. His wife, having her charms, had him using that wheelchair most (of not all) of the time. It was good of his weakened body, to not stress it during the day. "Is Harry not-" Draco frown lightly and shook his head. "It's better to rest, sometimes." After a small frown, Narcissa nodded. They sat down for dinner, that ended up being just the three of them eating. Anne, feel asleep. "Somebody is going to be up awfully early." Draco chuckled, but Narcissa shook her head. "She had a big day. And I was shocked to hear just how expensive those things are in her ears!" She frown. "It's not that troubling, Narcissa. The money transfers just fine, and the is still plenty of it." Lucius said.

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