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Hermione frown. "I don't understand some people. Ron informed me about a scar on his arm." Hermione said. "I'm aware of it. All the boys have them." Narcissa said walking out of the nursery. "I...can understand Harry, but I wasn't away that was something Draco had knowledge about." Hermione said, as Hermione eased the door shut. "I'm not sure who he learned it from. We was living in some apartment a few weeks before...Draco was admitted to the mental institution." Narcissa said walking back down the hallway. "So he is on medication too?" She asked. "Yes, but I'm not sure the hold it has currently. He seems okay, but he had fooled me in the past before. Narcissa said and Hermione nodded.

The couple ended up spending the night, settled in a guest room on the ground floor. It was about three in the morning when the running water coming off the bathroom by the guest room they were in woke Ron up. He thought about waking his new wife, Hermione, but he too would have to get over the problems he had. He wanted to get Harry back in their lives just as much as Hermione did. Maybe more. Harry was his best friend, for so many years. He wanted his friend back. So, he would have to get used to dealing with the Malfoy's and the others.
Ron grabbed his jacket and through it over his shoulders. His chest was bare and he had shorts on, as he exited the small guest room to find the source of the running water at three in the morning. "Luke, wake up, kid." Ron heard Lucius said. He paused, but then continued to walk down the hallway and push open the bathroom door the rest of the way. The sink was running, and Luke, who looked to be awake was just standing there, by the running sink. His hair was messy and his shirt uneven like he just woke up, but in fact, he wasn't awake. He was sleep walking, doing activies in his sleep. "He...looks awake." Ron said and after a awkward pause. "Some side effects of one of the medicines his on. Sleep walking and other things at time. The sounds are magnified in my ears due this stupid things." Lucius said. "Hermione explain you having hearing aids. Maybe...just get him back to bed?" Ron asked. "You are welcome to try moving him, but he isn't easy to move."

After a couple of failed attempts, Ron went to wake his wife who yawned as he shook her lightly. "Hum?" She said. "Muggle car boy won't wake up and I can't move him." Ron said and she raised an eyebrow, but followed Ron down the hallway. "Oh, he's slept walk?" She asked. "Yeah, but he normally wakes up after a short time. Other times we can move him, this doesn't seem to be one of those times." Lucius said. "Start the shower, and remove whatever is in his pockets, out." Hermione said.
Luke had a few things in his pocket; His phone, the card that magical quidditch man gave him, pen, his wallet, photo of all three kids and a few other small things that now laid on the floor as the three woke the sleeping man into the shower. After a minute or two Luke's hand wet up, blocking the water form bouncing off his face. "I thought you were suppose to talk to that guy about this." Lucius said and after another minute or so Luke turned off the shower. "Not as simple as that, Lucius." Luke said letting out a sigh.

Hermione started some tea and it was about four in the morning by the time the tea was finished and Luke was in a fresh sat of clothes. It was a bit awkward, but the tea was past out to the four of them and she eased back down. Hermione and Luke talked about the medicine, the one that was causing the sleep walking. Once he seen she had a good understanding of the muggle world he explain how it wasn't as simple as changing the medicine. The medicine worked will for the attended purpose and he couldn't risk changing that. She help the two understand a bit better. "Isn't there something that can help just the sleep walking then?" Lucius asked. "I mean, it's a little wacky, but if it's been a big problem, you could always put a bell on him." Hermione said. "All that's going to do is wake everybody else." Lucius said. "Yes, that is true. However, he is getting more active during his episode and I'm certain he can drive? It's best somebody is aware when he is up and walking and by 'I'm still asleep on the floor' Angel, might not always be able to tell you." Hermione said and Luke let out a sigh. "I can ask if he knows something that might help, but I can't make that promise." Luke said.

The house went still again, for a couple hours. The babies then wake up and everybody got up for breakfast that was ready by seven. "Fly!" Tommy fussed. "At least eat your breakfast, buddy." Luke said. Tommy fussed a little more, but slowly started to eat his breakfast along with everybody else. After breakfast, they went out, back to the field that was empty this morning. "Are you sure we can be here?" Luke asked, easing down to sit on a bench. Hermione easing down beside him, as the three boys and Tommy took back off in the air. "Yeah. At least for a couple hours. I don't really have a place close by for you to take your boy." Hermione said and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine. I suppose I have to get used to the different forms of travel. Also, you have somebody I can see north?" Luke asked. "Narcissa did mention that in her letter." Hermione said.

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