Chapter 25

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Harry shot up in the bed a few hours later, a nightmare. Draco yawned, but sat up beside Harry. "Hey." Draco said softly and Harry just shook his head. "It's okay, Harry." Draco said, planting a light kiss on Harry's cheek, but Okay, was something Harry was not. Harry was never going to be okay, and Harry knew that. "Not...Okay!" He mumbled, and Draco grabbed ahold of his arm. "Harry, please calm down. It will be okay, I won't loose you again." Draco whispered, letting out a noise when Harry buried his head in Draco's chest. Draco locked his arms around him, holding him close. Draco just wished he could take his fears away. Could make the tears stop falling right now. Make everything okay again with Harry, again.

Draco laid them back down, but spent the time rubbing Harry's back or shoulder lightly. Harry wasn't going back to sleep, but his breathing was normal once again and he slowly nuzzled to Draco chest, again. "I'll find a way to make you better, Harry. I have to." Draco said but Harry shook his head. "...not" He mumbled. "Yes, you are. You mean everything to me and I have a son with you. No matter what happened to you, it doesn't change the way I feel, okay?" Draco said but Harry sat up. "Bad." Harry mumbled. "No, you aren't." Draco said, following his movements. " be." He whispered. "No, Harry. They told you that to control you." Draco said and Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

Harry was going to go back to sleep, so Draco took him down stairs. Surprisingly, Luke and Angel were awake. "Now I know for sure it's the middle of the night. A bad dream, Angel?" Draco asked, and she nodded slightly. "Harry, why don't you join me? Let Draco go back to bed." Luke said, patting the sit on the other side of him. Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Come, sit." Luke said and after a pause, Harry slowly sat down on the couch. "Go back to bed, I got Harry." Luke said and Draco gave Harry a light kiss. "You'll be fine, Harry." Draco said softly.

Harry was asleep on the couch when Draco yawn coming down the stairs a few hours later, his little boy up on his hip. "When did Harry go to sleep?" He asked his mom, as Luke had crashed out in his normal spot, on the floor by the couch. Angel was sitting at the kitchen table, with Zane on her lap. "I'm not sure. They were asleep when Angel came to wake me. She didn't want to wake her daddy again." Narcissa said, planting a light kiss on her head. "Real...late...I couldn't sleep and daddy was really tried ..." She whispered. "Sweetheart, I don't mind you waking me up, I don't." She smiled lightly. "So you are going to be working with them too?" Angel asked, Draco. "It...Looks that way." Draco said softly. "You really should have spoke about your bossing being such a way with you..." Narcissa frown, pointing to the high chair. "It wasn't so bad...not until...a few weeks ago." Draco whispered, easing his boy to sit in the high chair. "You should have told me then, not wait until Luke found out like that son. Nobody should be miss treating you." She pointed out but she just shrugged her shoulders. Draco didn't find it that much of a big deal.

Less then half an hour later, Luke's phone went off. Angel hurried to grab it, handing it to Narcissa. "Don't let it wake, daddy." She whined and Narcissa hurried into the other room, before she answered the phone.

"Luke's phone, Narcissa speaking."

"Oh, hey. I take it Luke is busy?"

"Asleep, actually. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Not so much, thank you however. Just have him call me back once he wakes up."

The phone call was ended before she could even reply. She sat the phone back down close by Luke, before she walked back into the Kitchen, to clean the message form lunch.
"Mom, how do we fix Harry's fears?" Draco asked and she shook her head. "If I knew, Angel wouldn't still have hers. Only time, Draco. Just be there for him and support him. That's really all we can do. That, and be sure nobody ever hurts him like that, again." Narcissa said and Draco nodded. "He isn't to leave unless somebody is wil him, I won't risk that happening, ever EVER again!" Draco said, before picking Harry Jr. Our of the highschool. He could tell his daddy was upset, and whined out, before she nuzzled close to Draco's neck. Draco just patted him on the back. "I don't mean to upset you, sweet boy." Draco said softly, feeling a hand on his shoulder. "He can tell when his daddy is upset, spend some time with your boy. Harry, and Luke, need rest." Narcissa said and Draco nodded.

He sat rocking Harry Jr. On his lap in the nursery. The baby looked up at his daddy, with his big eye. "What is it, little man?" Draco asked, planting a kiss on his head. The baby giggled, but Draco wasn't sure what to make Harry Jr. At the moment. He wasn't really listening to the story Draco was read. He just grabbed Draco shirt and laughed. Draco smiled lightly. "I love you too, big boy!" Draco said, getting a very big laugh and Draco locked his arms around his baby boy. "Maybe one day, I can make you a big brother. Right now, though. Pappy isn't doing so well. You and I, will just have to be enough for your pappy. Maybe one day, we can help your pappy." Draco said to his boy, who just looked at him all wide eyed, getting nuzzled to. "I love you, so very much." Draco said again, to the baby in his arms.

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