chapter 29

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"Your sister loved you, so much, North. It killed her she couldn't take you away. We tried, once she told me what was going on. They wouldn't us. She wanted you to go to the school. We even offered to pay for it, but your parents are unbelievable." Luke said, before a very sobbing Tommy landed on his bottom. Thankfully, nobody saw the toddler. "Tommy! What on earth-" Luke started, before he phone rang. He picked up Tommy, before he answer the phone. "Did you-" he started to asked, narcissa. "No I didn't. I meant to tell you before. Tommy's

Muggle born. I ran my wand over the girls, neither one are, but little Tommy is. He got really upset you were gone...he keep disappearing. I knew he was trying to get to you. Once he was gone more then a couple seconds, I called. It's rare, I'm surprised he is being muggled born and such a young age. I really think...her death jump started it, because he is really dependent on you, but he somewhat aspirated to you." Narcissa said and Luke nodded. Even if she couldn't see. "We'll be back before to long." Luke said, hanging

Up the phone. He just eased back down in the chair, putting the toddler on his lap and ruffled his hair. "I was coming back baby boy." Luke said, but got nuzzled to. "Luke." Said an officer a couple minutes later. Luke put Tommy on his hip and walked over. "Sign this too, and his yours." The officer said, and Luke sign the last bit of paperwork. "just a couple more minutes." He said, before going back through the door. "Are you really going to sell the house?" North whispered. "At some point, I don't want to be there. I

doubt I'll ever leave were I am." Luke said, easing Tommy to his feet who whined out looking up at Luke. "Shh. You'll be okay walking." Luke said, patting his head. "They...are okay with you and the kids staying there?" North asked. "Yeah, Narcissa's been a big help and as much as your tone can be, you're still a kid too. Baby or not." Luke said.
A few minutes later, the opened. The boy just a little taller then North, come through, and officer behind him, handing the boy the bag that was one in the car he had

Been driving. "His face is bruised why?" Luke asked. "Not everybody here knows not to make their problems worst. Ice and he'll he fine. You'll be contacted in a few days about a court date." The officer said, who raised an eyebrow at the toddler, but just shrugged it off. "Thank you, can we go?" Luke asked. "Yeah, you're good to go." The officer said, and luke let the two teenagers, with his toddler on his hip, outside and to the car. "This is?" He finally said. "My sister's husband." North said. "Right, she was married." He said, climbing in

The back sit.
The car ride kept quiet, Luke was exhausted and needed to sleep so, but if it wasn't Tommy being needy, Angel was. She locked onto his side when he walked through the door. He gave her head a kiss. "Hi, sweetheart. What's the matter?" He asked. "'ve been gone a while." She whispered. "I know, I'm sorry. There was somethings I had to work on. I'm home now." Luke said, but was past out asleep less then an hour later. He laid on the floor in his normal spot by the fire place. On his stomach.

His arms used as a pillow. "Grandma..." Angel called for, who sat on the couch. "What's the matter, Angel?" Narcissa asked, easing to join her on the couch. "Daddy's asleep..." She whispered. "Wake him up, Angel. If it's that bad of a head space, sweetie." Narcissa said. "He...might get mad..." She whispered. "He isn't going to be mad, Angel." Narcissa said and she shrugged her shoulder. "He could be...I'm bad after all." She whispered and Narcissa let out a sigh. "No, you aren't. Wake your daddy up." Narcissa said and she slowly eased in the floor. "Daddy..." She

Whispered, and it took a couple minutes before Luke half woke up. "Um?" He mumbled. "Daddy...wake up." Angel whispered and Luke slowly rose to his knees, letting out a noise when she buried her head in his chest. "Shh..." He said, trying to calm her tears. She was having a bad day. It didn't help he was gone so long, it might have made it harder on her. "I got you." He said, holding the sobbing girl close. He felt the hand on his shoulder. "Spend a day with your kids, Luke. They need it." Narcissa said and Luke

Harry felt the light kiss on his cheek. "Hi..." Harry whispered, slowly unfolding himself and got their baby put on his lap. "After like get some rest, he's going to leave a few days with his kids. Are you okay with keeping an eye on North and his boyfriend?" Draco asked. "Yeah..." Harry whispered, slowly patted the baby on his head. "How are you feeling?" Draco asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know..." He whispered, getting a light kiss. "Do you want to take the baby for a walk? The stroller just came in." Draco smiled lightly.

Harry thought for a moment, before he nodded. Together they put the stroller together and got the baby ready for the cold air. Then they got dressed and Draco put the baby in the new stroller. Draco held onto the stroller with Harry hand locked on his belt loop. Something he did to feel safer, and Draco didn't mind. The snow was still on the ground, and Christmas was just right around the corner.
Draco hurt crying though, and hurried over to were the sound. Draco frowned and lend down to box and opened it. Their laid a baby, newborn,


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