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Harry stood there walking talking to Hermione, holding the sleeping two month old girl in his arms. Ron eased to sit down on the couch, getting looked at all wided eyed by Tommy who didn't really remember him. Tommy was a good boy though, so after a moment, He grabbed his broom and climbed on the couch beside him. Ron looked over at the boy, getting handed his broom. Ron seen the signatures and smiled lightly. "Do you fly yet?" He asked. "Yes! Pappy and Noah takes me and Noah let's me try and get the real one. I'm not that fast yet." Tommy said. "I'm sure one day you will. Your brothers or sisters?" Ron asked. Tommy shook his head. "My sisters aren't like me. Daddy isn't like you, mommy wasn't either. I'm different I think." Tommy said. "Just means you'll have a better understanding for both worlds is all. I still find things hard to learn sometimes, because I didn't grow up here." Ron said and Tommy slowly nodded. "Can...You take me somewhere?" Tommy asked kind of quite. "Why not ask your daddy? Or your new pappy?" Ron asked. "Because...daddy doesn't like going there...It's Christmas, I want to see mommy." Tommy said. "Sit right here." Tommy said.

Ron asked to talk to Harry. Hermione said to keep the baby, because Rose was sleeping comfortable and there was no point in awaking the baby girl. Harry followed Ron to the only empty room in the house, a small bathroom. "I thought...Luke's wife was killed?" Ron said. "She was, why are you thinking about her?" Ron asked. "I'm not, the little boy, Tommy, is. Asked...if I would take him to see her, what does he mean by that then?" Ron asked and Harry let out a sigh. "He must of overheard Charlie talking to the girls about going to visit the graveyard. She's buried close by and Tommy doesn't really talk about his mom to Luke. He was just a baby." Harry said, before he went to hand him the baby. "No, it's fine. I'll take him." Ron said. "I know you're busy, Ron." Harry said. "My mother will understand. I promise it's fine."

Half an hour later, after he laid Rose down in the playpen that got set up. Harry turned to Luke. "There's something we need to talk about." Harry said. "Does this have to do with your friend taking him someplace?" Luke asked and Harry nooded. Harry walked them outside on the porch, after finding their Coats. "Do you still talk about her, to the kids?" Harry asked. "With the girls, why?" Luke asked. "I think you should talk to Tommy too. He knows about his Mom and he didn't feel like he could really ask you." Harry said and after a sigh. "He didn't have to do that." Luke said softly. "Find a time to talk to Tommy, Luke. He is a very bright boy." Harry said. "I will, thanks." Luke said.

Later that night, Luke put Tommy on the big bed. Tommy looked at his daddy. "I guess I forget sometimes you can miss your mommy too." Luke said softly, pushing Tommy's hair out of his face. "I always miss mommy...but pappy's there and so are you, daddy...it...was Christmas. She wasn't by herself. Uncle North shown up too, later." Tommy said. "I heard, but something I should probably tell north too, come on." Luke said and picked Tommy up. "Daddy, I'm okay." Tommy said, kissing his cheek. "Your a big boy, I know. I just know-" Luke said, being the light knock on the door. Luke turned, seeing his ex mother in law. A woman who agreed to treatment, because of her last child. "Tommy, you're daddy will find you shortly. Go fly, Noah has some friends over." She said and Luke eased  Tommy to his feet.

She shut the door once Tommy walked out, before she turned back toward Luke. "How...did you even find out about him?" She asked. "Her memories might be foggy about that time frame, but she remembers her older brother. She was my wife, she told me everything. I don't understand why everything buried with him?" Luke said and after a moment, she eased to sit down on the bed. "There was a reason I tried so hard to get her away form him. Very little people know the truth about him and it was best for everybody if it kept that way." She said and Luke eased down in the desk chair of his new soon to be husband. "So that means you couldn't tell North? Stoping me form telling my boy why?" Luke said. "Let me talk to North, first okay? You only know a story she was able to put together." She said. "Very well." Luke said.

Harry felt the kiss on his cheek. He smiled lightly. "You don't have to get up, I know you aren't feeling well today." Harry said, as Draco eased to sit on his lap. "I don't think I can sleep anymore. Besides, something's bothering Luke, I'm Certain he isn't suppose to be drinking." Draco said. "No, he isn't. I'll go talk to him." Harry said.

"Talk to me?" Harry asked, after grabbing the shot glass Luke had. "Did I make a mistake? With Tommy?" Luke said. "I don't think so. The mistake would be ignoring his questions. He's old enought and a very smart boy. Maybe not tell him everything, yet, but he can understand. He isn't upset at you, but it's time he has some Answers." Harry said and after a sigh. "Okay... Narcissa home?" Luke asked. "Yeah, but she's alright in the bed. Do I need to send for her?" Harry asked. "Nah...I'm crashing on her floor tonight." Luke said. "I'll walk you." Harry said and slowly walked Luke to the bedroom where Lucius and Narcissa slept in. "Find somebody to talk to, before you drink, okay? I'll leave her a note." Harry said, easing the blanket over him. He just got a light nod.

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