[ thirty-nine ]

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We're going to have to.


"What do you mean?"

(Y/n)'s voice didn't waver but that didn't mean she wasn't scared on the inside.

She could feel and hear every beat of her heart because of the anticipation of what her senior is about to say next.

Instead of directly answering her question, Keith throws her one of his. "How was Levi doing these past few days?" Then he crossed his arms. "Anything... strange happening with him lately?"

Calm down (Y/n). Just be natural.

"There were minor problems here and there but nothing really worth taking note of."

"Are you certain?"


He doesn't look very convinced, the psychiatrist continues to wear her usual expression on so not to lead Keith into getting dubious of her. What happened while I was gone?

"Mikasa should be done arranging the files. Take a look at them, would you?"

Keith leads the girl inside the lab. Levi had his back turned so he doesn't see (Y/n) enter. One of the nurses hands a black folder to Keith and he immediately gives it to the confused psychiatrist beside him. "Here."

As told, (Y/n) reads the contents of the file. When she reached the bottom, she goes over the paper again.

It didn't look like anything changed.

"Not much difference, right?" Keith's grave voice speaks all of a sudden. "Now, watch this." He holds a bright screen to the younger doctor, subtly examining her face as her eyes focused on the gadget in front of her.

What's going on...? (Y/n) squints her eyelids in attempt to get a clearer view of the video. It was Levi, Mikasa, and Keith the two were talking to the patient whilst he was strapped in his seat.

"How's your relationship with Doctor Zackley?"

(Y/n) sucks in a breath after hearing Keith talk in the video. She reminds herself not to move and keep her attention on the device because of Keith's scrutiny. He seems to know something already and just observed the girl to confirm his suspicions.

"... We're close."

"That must be nice. Being inward with her. Well, her kindness isn't new to anyone. It's good she's treating you like how she treated her past patients."

Levi doesn't speak after that.

"It's your third month here, so we have... less than a month more until the roster rotates."

What roster? (Y/n) moistens her lips as her brows almost clash together. Despite the small puzzlement, she continues to listen to the video recording.

" 'Roster rotates'? What are you talking about?"

"Our doctors are going to have to follow a new set of schedule. They're also going to be tasked to tend to a new set of patients. In short, someone else would be in charge of you next month. Did Zackley not tell you this yet?"

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