[ seven ]

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|| ᴅᴀʏ : 9 || 6:33 p.m. ||

"Good evening, Levi."

Levi was wide awake when (Y/n) entered his cell. He lifts his head up to look at her. She was wearing another set of clothes under her usual lab gown, and in her right hand was a familiar set of keys.

(Y/n) goes on her knee in front of him, "You won't do anything, right?"

Levi raises an eyebrow at her question.

"The fuck are you talking about?"

(Y/n) smiles, nearing the key to the steel ring on his neck. The ring glows once it recognized the key in the girl's hand, unlocking itself after.

Levi's eyes slightly widened. He no longer felt the tight sensation below his head. He can breath more properly this time. His shock only increased when he heard another set of chains drop to the ground, feeling the restraints on both of his ankles disappear.

(Y/n) saved the one on his waist for the last since he would most probably lose his balance if she left his ankle chains the last ones to be unlocked.

"There... you go." She breathes out once she removed the steel from his waist. She let the rings dangle on the wall by their chains, or just laying on the floor.

"You okay?" She asked Levi, who just sat on the floor. Stunned.

"You really trust me not to do anything to you right now?" The male spoke in a hushed voice, though (Y/n) still heard him loud and clear. "You still have your straitjacket on, so that's a yes." "I don't need my hands to kill you." Levi instantly replies, sending the doctor a glare. (Y/n) just shook her head to the sides while giggling, "Whatever, just let me get those for you."

Levi simply stared at her as she unlocked the buckles of his jacket. It was clear that she didn't take his threat seriously.

Maybe she knew Levi wasn't serious about it too?

Finally... Levi heaved a silent sigh once his free arms dropped to his sides.

"Go on, move them around; they're probably stiff from not moving for more than a week."

After a few seconds of stretching and flailing his arms around, Levi stops.

What... am I doing?

I'm taking her stupid orders without even realizing it... fucking hell.

"Are you feeling better now?" (Y/n) questions, carefully watching him as he slowly stood up from the floor. He tilts his neck to the side, making satisfying bone pops before rolling his shoulders forward repeatedly.

"Hell yeah."

"Also, guards and nurses will be coming here to add some accessories, and I'll have them change your light. Don't worry, it won't take too long to give this room a small renovation."

(Y/n) pockets his chain keys, a small smile on her lips. Levi looked harmless to her as of this moment, but her guard was raised more now that he can do anything to her. The possibility of her dying in the very room she's standing in was high; it wasn't impossible for a patient to kill doctors, just as what happened with Annie and her previous psychiatrist.

The self-defense classes she once took might come in handy someday.

But could she really do something against an insane serial killer like him?


(Y/n)'s session with her male patient went in a jiffy. She just made Levi do physical tests since he was shackled to the floor for quite a long time. Just like the past few days, Levi was acting oddly calm. It seemed like he was planning nothing ulterior even though he's not chained anymore.

He followed her requests with no question and didn't make her feel threatened. When she asks him something, he would answer straight to the point. He even started asking the doctor some questions about what's outside his room, and of course (Y/n) answered all of them gleefully.

She was too caught on Levi's sudden development that she forgot to tell him about her 2-day break starting tomorrow.

"How stupid..." (Y/n) mumbles to herself while leaning next to a vending machine, opening the chip packet and feasting on its contents.

"What is?"

The female flinched at the voice to her left. She turns to see her dark-haired friend, Mikasa.

"You scared me!" (Y/n) puts a hand near her heart while Mikasa just chuckled at her reaction.

"Are you going to tell me, (Y/n)?"

"I just forgot to tell Levi about our break days," The (h/c)-haired female calms down after a few seconds, "Annie know's about our scheduled break day since she has it marked on her calendar, but Levi..."

Mikasa goes to one of the vending machines, pressing a few buttons then taking her own snack.

"Why is that a problem?" Mikasa stands next to the psychiatrist, chewing on her own chips. "Because... what if he's going to expect me to arrive tomorrow then I don't? I mean, no one knows how he'll probably react to that, right?" (Y/n) answers, followed by a sigh.

"Why not go back and tell him now?"

"It's already seven thirty; it's past visiting time. I can't just barge in his cell unless necessary. Besides, he's most probably in the cafeteria having his dinner right now and I don't want to bother him."

Mikasa paused her movement, looking at (Y/n).

"You let him dine in the cafeteria with the other patients? This soon?" The girl was aware of how perilous (Y/n)'s patient could get, so she was shocked that the doctor's already decided to let him out of his cell to eat with the others.

(Y/n) shrugged.

"Yeah, it's about time he does -- only during dinner and breakfast time anyway. I removed his chains too and the guards gave him a bed and his other personal things."

"What? And if he suddenly goes violent and hurts you?" Mikasa's expression contorted into a worried one. "I can take care of myself, Mikasa." (Y/n) sends the other girl a genuine smile. Mikasa didn't press onto the matter further -- even though she wanted to -- but instead smiled at her friend too.

"Make sure you do, (Y/n). You know who to call for when you need help."

(Y/n) giggles, poking Mikasa's left cheek.

"Of course."

AREA 104 || AOT: Levi Ackerman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now