[ forty-five ]

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Levi's menacing scowl didn't affect the older Ackerman in any way, instead, he found it amusing. He quirks a brow as he observed how his nephew held the bloodied girl in his arms.

"What the hell are you doing, Levi?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that, Kenny?"

"God," Kenny lets out a heavy sigh, "you're still fucking difficult, aren't yah? I was hoping this place changed you even just a little bit, but oh well. Now get your ass over here, we're leaving."

Levi feels (Y/n)'s trembling fingers tug on the cloth of his shirt, the hand he had placed on her back softly going up and down as a response; there was no way in hell he was going to leave.

"You leave." He made sure he got his message through as clearly as possible.

"Huh...?" Kenny almost doubles over with laughter after Levi's reply. After the tons of trouble he had gone through just to get him out of here? And his efforts are in vain? Ungrateful brat.

Don't tell me it's because of... Kenny watched Levi as he carefully pulls his psychiatrist up while placing her arms on his shoulders for a more stable footing.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

Levi scowls at his uncle, who's leaning against the wall while trying to stop his giggling fit.

"Did... haha... Did you hit your head? Or is this," Kenny dramatically moves his hands in front of him, "her doing?"

The longer the conversation's running, the thinner Levi's patience was getting. But (Y/n) was his main concern right now, he had to get her away from the danger that is Kenny The Ripper.

"I won't say it again: Leave now. You're just wasting your time if it's me you came here for."

"And if I say I came for her too?"

Levi hugs (Y/n)'s figure closer to him almost on instinct. Kenny brings the last hidden knife out of his belt and strides to where the "couple" stood.

"You're not touching her. I won't let you."

Kenny scoffs. "You lovesick idiot, you don't get it do you? You wanna stay here? Fine. I'll take that girl's head with me instead!"

Shit, Levi steps back, also guiding (Y/n)'s body to move with him. Kenny was beyond livid by now, he just can't let them get away peacefully. He is not leaving empty-handed.

"Keep being stubborn and see where it gets you too -- you know what? Since y'all are disgustingly stuck like that why don't you die like that as well?"

Levi clicks his tongue. No matter how hard he thinks of an escape option, the odds were against him. (Y/n) was injured, and he was unarmed. If he so much as let (Y/n) go for a split second, there's no doubt Kenny will come charging at her.

"You're really not changing your mind, are you?" Kenny stops walking, before he moves a bit to the side to make eye contact with the man just a couple of meters behind Levi.

"Shoot him, Floch!"

(Y/n) already had her right hand ready to pull the trigger of the gun still in her grasp; as she hastily wraps her other arm around Levi's head to cover his ears, she raises the loaded gun and fires at the traitor still in the middle of aiming. The redhead howls in pain, his gun dropping to the ground as his hand covered the fresh bullet wound on his arm.

Taking advantage of Levi's startled state, Kenny was quick to dash towards him, targeting the girl caged in his arms so he could pull her off of him.

"Oh for fuck's sake -- stay still will you?!"

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