[ seventeen ]

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|| ᴅᴀʏ : 32 || 10:40 a.m. ||

"Ma'am, the research's done."

Both Rico and Mina turned around to face the worker holding a black folder. Mina nods her head, smiling, "Thanks. I'll call you again if I ever have questions. You can go back to work."

Rico opens the folder, "Psychiatry department: patient number eight, Levi Ackerman's past accomplices...? Did doctor Zackley ask for these, Mina?"

"No. But we were tasked to gather more info about her patient for future references. What does the file say?" The dark-haired female also looks into the papers along with her coworker.

There were five names listed in alphabetical order, acquainted with stolen pictures taken from video footages they were seen interacting with Levi.

"I guess your team went as far as getting the police to spill everything they know about him." Rico commented with one of her eyebrows raised. She examines the words encoded beside the pictures, sighing afterwards. "They all were caught having just a one-time encounter with Ackerman."

"Seems like it..." Mina shrugs her shoulder before closing the black folder and facing the computer. "I think we're going to have to delve into this even further."

Rico pursed her lips, snatching the folder from her friend's grasp.

"But who do you think's the closest to Ackerman out of these five?"

"I actually don't know... I don't have a good instinct when it comes to these things."

"Just choose, Mina. It's not like we're going to rely on your instinct to use for the whole thing."

"Fine," The girl in low pigtails scanned the open folder carefully, "well, if Ackerman's got an accomplice, it's gotta be someone near his age, right? So this old guy's out of the list for me." She points at the image of a man, probably in his mid-40s, wearing a brown leather coat and a fedora of darker color on top of his head. The two could see his face clearly enough to determine he's definitely not young anymore.

"This one's your pick, then?" Rico places her index finger on the last picture. "Yeah." Mina responds before her gaze goes back to the second picture, the one she called "old guy".

"Ah, so that's why he looked so familiar. No wonder why he was added to Levi's possible past relations." She utters in realization of who the one she referred to as 'old' really was. Rico's eyes widens a bit after seeing the name beside the image.

"Woah, that's what 'Kenny the Ripper' looks like?"


|| 5:46 p.m. ||

"There you are, (Y/n)-chan!"

Isabel barges inside the doctor's office, holding two bowls of (flavor of choice) ice cream and a folder clipped by her arm under her armpit. (Y/n) says a small 'thanks' after receiving her sweet treat.

"And here," Isabel slides the folder in front of (Y/n), "additional files regarding your Levi Ackerman."

"Hm, tell Mina thanks for giving the file right on schedule. This is just what I needed info on." The psychiatrist eagerly read the contents of the document. Isabel flashed the older girl a thumbs up as she sat on the chair in front of (Y/n)'s desk while eating her ice cream.

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