[ twenty-two ]

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|| ᴅᴀʏ : 36 || 9:45 a.m. ||


Armin steps inside one of the laboratories and grins upon seeing the person he had been looking for the entire morning. (Y/n) turns away from the microscope in front of her and smiled at the blond who walked towards her.

"Hey Armin!"

"Oh, is this a bad time? You look like you're busy."

(Y/n) chuckles and shook both of her gloved hands. "No, no, it's totally fine. What did you need?"

"Just submitting my report for the week," Armin hands over a white folder filled with a bunch of papers, "did I submit late?"

"Huh? Oh, no! The week reports aren't due until tonight, so you're just on time."

"What are you doing by the way?" Armin glanced at the glass slide under the microscope before looking at (Y/n) again. "Ah, I was just helping the others with these blood samples since most of the lab staff are working on the enhanced hypnotic gas." (Y/n) responds, releasing a sigh while she placed her hands on her waist.

"I heard they're almost finished with it."

"Mhmm, they just have to configure and tweak a little more chemicals, test it, then it's ready to use."

Armin walks over to the microscope on the table and looks through the eyepiece. (Y/n) watched as his mouth opens slightly, standing beside the blond and waited for him to finish.

"What do you see, Armin?"

"The RBC count... doesn't look right."

"It isn't right. That's patient twelve's sample."

"Twelve? You mean the Lieutenant Colonel's brother?"

"Yeah. It's Marcel's."

The male takes a last peek of the blood sample before he straightens his posture and flattens his lab coat. "Does Porco know?" "Probably. I mean, Hanji was the first one to examine this one and knowing her, she must've told him already."

(Y/n) carefully fixed the device and removed the glass slide under the microscope. She placed the sample in a rack and left it there for later use. Armin follows the girl as she walked towards a set of more samples waiting for inspection.

"These are the results from the patients in the medical bay. The few over here are from our department."

"From last month?"

"Yeah. So the empty space here is reserved for the tests this month."

Armin nods his head slowly, his mouth agape in fascination of the numerous slides in front of him. "And I'm guessing those," he points to another set of samples which contained more than the other sets, "are from the prisoners?"

(Y/n) smiles at Armin's astonished face, "Yeah."

"I always forget how huge our human containment facility is..."

"And to think we still have room for a whole lot more of them. It's actually exhilarating in some way."

"Your father must've dumped an insane fortune for this."

AREA 104 || AOT: Levi Ackerman FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now