How each of the gang would teach Ponyboy how to drive

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Darry- Would be overreacting from the moment Ponyboy put his hands on the wheel and each stop Ponyboy makes he acts dramatic.

Sodapop- Soda would be the calming one, no matter what mistake Ponyboy makes he tells him calmly and teaches him how to drive the right way.

Dallas- Dal would make Ponyboy go as fast as he can nearly making them get in trouble

Steve- He'd rage each time Ponyboy made a mistake and talk about how easy it is to drive making Ponyboy feel overwhelmed.

Johnny- Each time Ponyboy would panic Johnny would calm him down and is honestly is pretty good at teaching Ponyboy how to drive.

Twobit- Would tell Ponyboy directions to the dingo cause he wants a burger and a Milkshake.

At the end Ponyboy passes his drivers test and drives everyone to the Nightly Double to watch a movie together.

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