A/N (Pt.2)

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Hola! Aloha! Hello! Bonjor!

So, I'm officially going to finish off this book

BUT! I'm going to have a pt.2, you know another book with the same thing going on.

So if you want to send me any requests right now, you know for my new Imagines And Preferences book of the outsiders.
I'd gladly take them.

But I want to take the time right now and say thank you guys so much for all of your positive feedback towards these silly Imagines I do and thank you so much for all of your Genius requests you give me.

You guys really make my day each time I see a notification on my phone that says someone commented or requested.

Anyway I just want to say thank you! You guys are smart, kind great people, Stay that way! Don't let others put you down!
You are beautiful, you are amazing even if you don't think that, many others do!

Anyway Have a great day, I hope you liked this Pt.1, Now it's time for Pt.2

Stay Gold 🐴 🌅 💛


Outsiders Imagines And Preferences 🐴😎🍰🏈🥤🍺🚗🌅Where stories live. Discover now