Curtis Brother Group Chat

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Soda🥤- Darry, me and Ponyboy found a lost dog in an alleyway.

Darry🏈- No, we cant afford to take care of a pet right now.

Ponyboy🐴- We weren't asking to keep it.

Darry🏈- So you mean you two took the dog in already?

Ponyboy🐴- Sort of.

Darry🏈- You two should've asked now we got a dirty mut in the house, You two aren't even responsible enough to keep a dog.

Soda🥤- Yeah we are.

Darry🏈- Did you take out the trash,do the dishes and do the laundry?

Ponyboy🐴- Not yet.

Darry🏈- Proves my point...And did you feed the goldfish and clean its tank?

Soda🥤- Wait we have a goldfish

Ponyboy🐴-I didn't even know we did.

Soda🥤- Darry stop making things up.

Darry🏈- I'm not, we have a goldfish named Bubbles that you won in a carnival three years ago Soda.

Soda🥤- I don't know what kind of a fever dream your having Darry but we all know fishes from carnivals die over night.

Ponyboy🐴- Soda...I don't think Darrys lying, I checked the living room to see that... I don't know how I can say this.

Darry🏈- Just say it, Ponyboy

Ponyboy🐴- Bubbles is dead. Sorry Soda.

Soda🥤- No....He can't be.

Ponyboy🐴- So...since we don't have a pet fish anymore, that means we have room for a dog....Right?

Darry🏈- No, When I get home I'm taking the dog to an Animal shelter so it can have actual responsible owners.

Ponyboy🐴- Worth a try.

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