How You Guys Met

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Ponyboy- As You were on your way to the movie house to watch a good Paul Newman film, You were waiting in line to pay for your ticket, A boy went first and then it was your turn.
"One ticket for the new Paul Newman film please." You said politely
"That will be fifty cents."
You nodded and reached to you pocket to realize you had no money.
"I forgot my change at home..."
"Well sorry miss I cont let you in until you pay."
"I'll pay for it." the boy who bought a ticket before you did said, He has green grey eyes and soft lips, You recognized him from school, he went to your English class, His name was Ponyboy Curtis.
"Oh you don't have to." You denied his offer
"I know I don't, I just want to." He smiled as he paid for your ticket.
"Thank you so much." You smiled
You both walked in the movie house.
"My names Y/N, by the way." You put your hand out
"Aren't you in my English class?" He shook your hand
"Yeah, Thanks again for paying my ticket, I owe you one.",
"No problem, You wanna sit with me?" He asked
The whole movie you both talked to eachother, After that you both walked to your place to get some money and you bought dinner from the dingo. After that day you both became good firends.

You were walking your way back home, As you were passing a house A boy around your age came running out the house he fell to the floor begging for mercy as his mother had a broom stick beating him awful hard. Anger filled you, With some fear, you knew you couldn't let this happen so you walked up to the mother and tried grabbing the stick from her.
"Leave me alone you bitch!" She yelled trying to hit you with the broom, you grabbed the broom and threw it on the street.
"How could you hurt your own son like that! What did he ever do to deserve that!" You yelled
"Yiu Don't even know...Why don't you get your pretty little ass out of our business."
"Why don't you get your drunk ass hands off this poor kid or I'll do it for you!" You yelled
She got mad and tried to hit you.
"Mom No!" Johnny yelled
Just before she could hit you you stopped her hand a held It on tight. You didn't car if she was older or if you just met her. You swung her to the floor, giving her a tast of her own medicine. You walked up to Johnny and put your hand out.
"C'mon." You said
His puppy dog eyes had tears in them, he grabbed your hand and you hauled him to his feet. You both ran away from his mother who was saying every name in the book to you.
You two ran a couple of blocks and sat on the floor under a tree to catch your breath.
"Thanks alot." He sniffed
"No problem."
"Why did you help me?" He asked
"I can't stand knowing I'd just let something like that happen. I knew you needed help."
"My named Johnny Cade." He smiled
"Y/N L/N" you smiled back
"Wanna go get something to eat? You asked
You both got up and went your way towards Dairy Queen knowing a great friendship was about to unfold.

Dallas- It was Night and you were walking around the streets of Tusla, As you were walking you noticed someone was following you, You knew who it was, The famous Dallas Winston, He was checking you out for a bit until he found the courage to talk to you.
"Hey, what are you doing around the streets in a time like this?" He asked
"The same as you." You said
"Your going to Bucks place with a beautiful lady your looking at too?"
You blushed
"No I'm going to Bucks with the one and only Dallas Winston."
"I figured." He smiled
"Let's go." He put his arm around you and you both walked to Bucks

You were new in town, As you walked through the streets you gotten thirsty so you decided to go to the nearest gas station to get a Pepsi.
You walked into DX and grabbed a bottle, You tried walking your way to the cash register but it was swormed by a group of girls all soc and greasers.
'Somebody Famous must be here.'
You thought. You waited there and soon your patients was getting low so you struggled through the crowd of girls to see it was a worker who looked like a movie star.
"Hey, Can you ring me up?" You yelled trying to get the guys attention, He looked over at you and smiled
He grabbed the bottle of Pepsi and you paid. Before giving you the receipt he wrote something on the back. It was is phone number and it read 'Call ME New Girl'
You smiled reading it.
Soon that same day you called the number and Soda took you on a date.

You were cheering with the other group of Greasers as the two cars started their engines.
A good drag race was what you needed. You rooted for the guy wearing a slevless jeans jacket.
Just before you knew it they took off you all ran, chasing the car hoping he'd win.
Luckily he did. As you all went wild the guy walked up to you.
"Steve Randle's the name" He smiled
"Y/N." You smiled
"Wanna take my care for a test drive?"
"Sure." You followed Steve to his car.
You didn't know why Steve chose you but soon into your friendship you realized it was because he liked you and soon you both became more than firends.

You were in the Nightly Double with your firends watching a good movie. Suddenly something caught your attention, You saw a guy's with a micky mouse shirt and a leather jacket joking around and cracking some jokes.
"What a loser." A soc said
You looked at the girl and she gave you a dirty look.
"You should check yourself out before saying that." You said
You got up and ran to the guy admiring his humorous personality.
"Hey!" You greeted
"Oh hey" He smiled
"My names Y/N" you smiled
"Kenith, But my firends call me Twobit."
"Nice to meet you." You smiled
"So, I'm curious, why did a girl as fine looking as you come along?"
"Well I just wanted to crack some jokes with you." You smiled
"Alright, Come along with me."
You and Twobit both cracked jokes all night long.

It was a normal day in Tusla and you were walking around town with some groceries,As you pass a building with some people working on a roof you heard someone yell.
"Watch out!" Suddenly someone grabbed you pulling you from your tracks You met eyes with a strong looking man.
"Hi." You said confused
"You better be more careful miss, Those bundle of roofing would've killed you." He pointed at the now broken bricks.
"Oh, Thank you for saving me." You said
"No problem."
"My names Y/N."
"Darrel Curtis."
"I feel like I should repay you, how about you come to my place for dinner." You said
"Oh no don't worry about it."
"No please I insist." You grabbed the receipt from your grocery bag and a pen that was on your back pocket for safe keeping, You put your number and address on it and handed it to him.
"See You soon, I hope you like pasta." You smiled
You walked away and after that dinner you became good firends.

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