The Gang Gets To Ponyboy's Diary

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Ponyboy wakes up and walked to the kitchen to see the gang all giggling

"Hey guys...What's so funny?" Ponyboy asks

"Everyday is a normality of pain...Oh Cherry Valance, I love her!" Twobit said dramatically

"Hey Ponyboy I never knew you had a birthmark on your ass."Steve laughed


"Yup, Every single page."

"Darry how come you didn't stop them."

Darry stood silent

"Sorry Ponyboy but I was curious, I've been finding an excuse to look throughout that thing for months."

"How'd you guys find it?"

"Well Twobit found it in the kitchen behinde the old cookie jar." Johnny said

"I can't believe you guys.."

"I can't believe when you had your first kiss you got smacked in the face."

"I'm gonna go crawl in a corner and die now..."

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