What the Gang does when one of them are sick

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Darry-No one but Soda makes sure he's alright.

Dallas- Johnny makes sure he's all better and takes really good care of him.

Soda- Steve and Ponyboy stays with Soda all day until he's all better.

Twobit- Ponyboy makes sure he gets better fast because Then Ponyboy won't be able to go around town with some company.

Johnny- Everyone in the gang makes sure he's alright, Like Johnny can be just sitting there perfectly healthy and the gang would all take care of him and Dallas would be by Johnny's side no matter how long it takes for Johnny to get better.

Ponyboy- Soda and Darry take car of him nonstop and look after him like an unpredictable rabbit because once when he was sick he tried sneaking out.

Steve- Soda takes care of him and calls off work so they can hang around his place.

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