Sensitive Ponyboy

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Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas were walking around town and suddenly Ponyboy saw a injured butterfly with a broken wing on the floor, He walked towards it and grabbed it.

"Aww,look at her...she's all hurt, we gotta help her." Pony said

"Why should me its gonna die anyway." Dallas said

"So, We need to help her, if you were a button with a broken wing would you want someone to help you?"

"Yeah by ending my misery."
Ponyboy gasped

"How dare you say that infront of her?"

"Its not like that stupid thing can understand English."

Ponyboy gasped again
"How dare you."

"Ponyboy, I think Dallys right, You gotta kill it... It's better off than suffering." Johnny said

"No, I'm gonna care for her till she's all better."

"Ponyboy, How is the thing gonna fly, the damn wing is broken."

"I can make a substitute for it."

"That's it give me that butterfly." Dallas grabbed the Butterfly and threw it on the floor stepping on it.

Ponyboy stood there shocked and Johnny just had a blank face like nothing happened.

Ponyboys then started to cry.

"Why did you do this? I was gonna let her live!" He cried

"Ponyboy, He was better off that way." Johnny patted him on the back.

Ponyboy then cried for the rest of the day and the whole gang thought it was stupid why he cried.

*okay so I gotta be honest, I did go through a situation like that...So one day I was cleaning and I saw a fly injured, So instead of me killing it I tried to let him go outside and be free (which sounds stupid cause like he was hurt but I wanted to). Then suddenly my twin sister killed the fly infront of my eyes and I started to cry....I know I'm a baby...The sadder thing is that it happened Like months ago...Anyway Stay Gold*

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