A Mr. and Mr.Curtis (Water Hose)

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The Gangs Age:
Darry: 13
Soda: 10
Twobit: 12
Steve: 10
Dallas: 11

As Mrs.Curtis and Mr.Curtis were in the living listening to some music. The whole gang came in all dirty with mud all over them, So was their pet dog.

"Oh my, what have you guys been doing that made you all do dirty?" Mrs.Curtis laughed

"Football, my team won" Darry said

"And How about the dog?" Mr.Curtis pointed at their yellow dog.

"Well, He decided to join along." Soda smiled

"Well, You guys all need to be clean...Let's go out in the back." Mrs.Curtis said leading all of them to the back.

They all gathered together and Mr.Curtis grabbed the water hose and started to spray everyone, they all laughed and played around, Steve then grabbed the hose and they all started to clean the dog.

They all played and ran are hating a great time, they played like that for hours.

They were all drenched and wet for the rest of the day. Mrs.Curtis dried them off and they all ate dinner.

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