I'd Lie (Merome One-Shot)

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I felt like this was needed because I've been writing so many depressing things XD You should just see my drafts!

Yes, this is a song-shot, and yes, the chorus is adjusted.

And no, Taylor Swift is NOT my favorite singer by FAR. I don't even really like country, save a select few songs by Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert. I really only like I'd Lie because I grew up with it. I actually listen to... punk, emo, rock, whatever you wanna call it.

I don't think that passenger's seat

Has ever looked this good to me

"Biiiggums...." Jerome whines, kicking back in the driver's seat. His feet go up on either side of the steering wheel. "Come on. How long does it take to put your stuff in the back?"

Actually quite a while, but I wasn't going to give in to him. I was going with him to LA for the summer, and I had a lot of bags, but he didn't seem to care.

"I'm just finishing!"

I slam the trunk and walk back over to the passenger's side, opening the door. Hesitantly, I climb in, smiling. Jerome looks tired, but I don't blame him. It's ten in the evening.

He tells me about his night

And I count the colors in his eyes

"Damned Alanna broke up with me."

That catches my attention. "What?"

He smiles weakly, and I know it's fake. "She said that I wasn't her type. She apparently made a mistake in dating me."

"God, Jerome," I sigh. "She's an idiot. She's the one who made the mistake."

His smile turns real, and I catch the glint in his laughing eyes, counting the shades.

He'll never fall in love, he swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair

I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong

"I'm never going to fall in love again," Jerome finally states, starting the Infiniti up. I look over at him, slight worry flashing before my mind.

Instead of protesting, however, I laugh quietly. I just hope he's lying.

And I don't think it ever crossed his mind,

He tells a joke and I fake a smile,

But I know all his favorite songs

We're about fifteen minutes into the drive when Jerome suddenly yells, "A wild bacca appears!" I grin at this, though that smile was completely forced. I hope he doesn't notice.

As his laughter dies down, I lean over and change the channel on the radio until I've gone through them all. Annoyed, I pull out my phone and connect it to the Bluetooth, clicking on a playlist made up of Jerome's favorite songs. Instantly, he starts singing along in a quiet voice, thinking I can't hear him.

This makes me smile for real.

And I could tell you

His favorite color's black

He's a gamer

Born on the 9th of March

His sister's beautiful

He has his father's eyes

And if you asked me if I loved him,

I'd lie

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