Fake Your Death (BajanCanadian/ASFJerome Drabble)

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I choose defeat,

I walk away,

And leave this place

The same today

Some like to sleep,

We like to play,

Just look at all that pain...

January 15, 2019

Hazel eyes watched as the video rendered. They were glassy, glossed with tears. It had come to an end. Eleven long years later, it came to an end.

The video was a simple v-log. It was explaining how he'd gotten a job, a real job, as a coder in Los Angeles. Of course, that meant that his time would be limited; extremely limited.

And, looking at the domino effect, that meant that his channel would shut down. No more videos.

No more BajanCanadian.

He let out a long, shuddering sigh. He lived on his own, now, in Montreal. Things had happened in the past that shouldn't of, and he regretted them. He knew he was the first to leave YouTube, the first of the shattered group, and if he were being honest, it felt good.

But the memories were still there. The true memories, the ones that made him smile and cry, because they were real. They had happened. At one point, he had been living them.

At twenty-five, it shouldn't have felt like there was a lifetime between the past and the present. To him, it was as if ten years had passed since he lived in Florida, doing daily challenges to the point of utter stupidity, not four.

He sighed, his eyes scanning the screen of his computer subconsciously. Skype - used to connect with friends all around the world.

Minecraft - a sandbox game turned into so much more.

Camtasia - one of many software options for recording his actions, specifically on-screen.

The video may be rendering, but his heart was breaking.

Sure, at twenty-five, he knew he had to get over making videos for teenagers and kids, but it was his passion, if he were to be honest. He hated that, at twenty, twenty-one, he'd thought that the business was only about money. He'd realized, after a fan came up to him and specifically told him that he'd saved her life, that money was the least of it.

And he would be leaving without warning, too. None of his friends knew. He hadn't had the nerve.

Actually, now that he thought about it, why had he taken up a job so far away? Why had he searched for another job at all? Wasn't this what he loved to do?

But he couldn't do it forever.

"Fine, then..." His hand grasped the mouse. "I'll do it while I can."

He took down the video.


"A five car pileup with four fatalities has officers questioning the safety of Montreal roads."

Jerome never payed attention to the news. The rare occasions that he did were when he was about to fall asleep on the couch and there was nothing else on.

Simple as that.

"Officers are worried about giving this news out because of a famous star caught up in the death toll."

He sighed, reaching for the remote. This was boring, there was nothing of true importance... Four people died in a wreck, and who cared? Maybe the families, but this was Montreal—


"YouTuber BajanCanadian—"

Oh God, no.

"—made Minecraft videos for a living, along with—"

No, no, no, this isn't happening.

"—friend JeromeASF in a group called The Pack. Real name Mit—"

Don't say it, please don't say it.

"—chell Hughes, the twenty-five year old man was in the process of quitting his channel. Perhaps this is an easier way to break the news."

Jerome snapped off the TV, unable to take anymore. In a blind panic, he snatched up his phone and dialed Mitch's number.

"You have been sent to an automated voice messaging system. Mitch is not available. At the tone, please record your message."

One word, but it was his voice. His name. Mitch couldn't be dead, he couldn't, but if he was, if for some godforsaken reason he was...

That was the best Jerome had.

Cause even heroes

Get the blues

Or any misery you choose

You like to watch

We like to lose

Cause we were born to lose...


I broke my own feels while writing this so I hope your happy XD

My Chemical Romance at three in the morning plus a bored afternoon make a combo like this. You're welcome.

Take the one shot... Or drabble... Whatever it is.

See ya next chapter?


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