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Adam leaves YouTube after Jerome posts a picture of him smoking a blunt.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Blame FlamingRavenclaw

-Entirely based on a theory of mine, so don't question it too much. Just go along for the ride.-

-I do not write this as truth. I have no ill will towards any of these three. Please don't take this theory too far. It's all for fun, y'all, don't ruin it.-


It's not my fault the guy is a complete dickhole and he shattered Mitch's heart.

What? He did. Mitch had always questioned himself, even way back when we were kids. He also had questionable taste, but I'm not the one who likes dick in this relationship, so I really don't have room to talk. One way or the other, Mitch was into Adam, and Adam fucked him over.

And God, it's taken me years to plan this. There were times I was thinkin' I'd never get it done. I just had to catch him off guard...

Finding out Adam was diagnosed with depression was like striking diamond. He lived in Washington, too, which helped things. I started workin' then, worming my way into his heart again and tryin' to get him to trust me again. Sucker fell right into it. Apparently he underestimated me.

Never underestimate a Bacc.

He trusted me. We talked. At one point in time, when I was visiting him alone, we trash-talked Mitch. I lied n' told him I hated my best friend and we still lived together for the views. He told me that while Benja was the one who made him realize he likes guys, he despised Mitch's personality. He also told me that Mitch was good in bed over a beer.


How fucked up do ya hafta be?

It was only a couple weeks ago, the last time I went up. I didn't expect it to be this trip. I expected to wait another year before everything was finally in place.

When Adam reached in his pocket and asked if I minded the smell of weed, I felt every hair stand on end. Naturally, I asked if it was medical, and it was. I told him sure, and when he was thoroughly stoned, I let Ryan take a picture.

It was the post that fucked him.

Oh, he'll lie. He'll say it's because he was tired of this horrid game. He may even mention that I'm tiring of it, too, just as a dyin' gasp. Of course he'll tell you that it's all for his music career. He'll give a sob story. He'll make you cry.

It's not real.

No, I threatened to reveal it. I told him that I would start with jokes - mention in a stream that he "did drugs," then edit it out later. Then, drop hints in a video. If I had to, I would tell everyone right up. His backing was that he knew Mitch and I did the same, except the thing was, he had no dirt on us. He had nothin' but the fact that Mitch wasn't straight, and revealing that would do nothing but fuel rumors that made both our channels stronger.

Poor little Sky is alone among the clouds he sticks his head in.

Fuck, he hates that name.

Mitch knew what I was doing real quick. He never minded, per se, though he did try and convince me not to do it. It was funny, too, watchin' him flounder for reasons not to sabotage his out-of-high-school sweetheart.

"He doesn't deserve it."

He broke your heart. Of course he deserves it. No one hurts you and truly gets away with it.

"Give him another chance."

No reason to.

"His income will stop."

Good. Fucker can struggle alone.

Maybe he'll learn what it means.

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