An ExPLaination for thE higher claSs

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An "explaination" for the past three one-shots

Mitch falls into a depression and ends up killing himself. The impact on Jerome is huge, causing him to go completely insane. It starts with a reccuring dream (the first of the messages), which leads into hallucinations. Jerome starts to see Mitch everywhere, which, of course, is impossible.

Or at least, that's how it seems.

Jerome was part of an experiment in a lab. His entire life was fake, each element a different drug that was steadily pumped into his system. When the drug that produced Mitch in his mind's eye was taken away, his body tried to recreate the drug, resulting in "hallucinations." Eventually, his mind started to calm, but something broke through. All of the drugs were stopped, and he was given a lethal injection.

After all, AIs aren't allowed to know more than they should.

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