Merome Compilation 2.0

218 20 8

Only difference is the limit is 300 words.




It's such a cliché, honestly.

"Sneaking" off to the bathroom.

I held him in my arms, his head on my collarbone. His fingers gripped onto my shoulderblades, like he couldn't believe I was actually here.

I couldn't either.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I realized I would have to let go.

I didn't want to.

"I love you," I murmur, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"I love you too..."

Who would have thought? That someone I met online would have such an impact when we met face to face. Enough to bring me to tears.

"Dad's probably wondering where I am," I murmur, gently letting him go. He pulls away and lightly bites his lip.


With a glance of regret, I start out the door. His parents don't know he's bisexual, so we had to sneak off to say something like that... I hate it, but at least I get to see him.

We walk out through the restaurant. As we pass by the bar, heading back to the outside patio, I fish for his hand. He obviously doesn't notice because my knuckles clang up against the wood. Stifling my sigh, we walk back out, and I take my place next to my dad as he sits next to me.

"And... Uh... Mitch?"

"Yeah?" I glance up at him, hazel eyes meeting his dark ones.

"I... Got something for you."

Ah, shit. Leave it to me to forget to be a gentleman and get something for him.

He takes something out from under his shirt, the metal glinting in the weak sunlight. Dogtags, two of them on a silver chain. My eyes widen slightly as I take them.

"So you'll remember me..."

"I'll always remember you."


Ice Skating


"You're making it a bigger deal than it actually is," Mitch laughed, grabbing the wall and stepping out into the rink. He caught his balance immediately.

"No, I'm not! Meeeetch. I'm going to fall on my face and break my beautiful nose." Jerome was trying to protest. He knew he was going to be terrible at it. "I have no balance."

"Just come on," Mitch groaned, stepping back onto the ice with ease.

"This is for girls!" Jerome whined. He wasn't going to give up.

Great, now he got the Bitch Face.

"No, it's not. I used to play hockey, baby. I have to be good."

"You never told me you played hockey. You used to work at a hockey rink."

"Now you're just stalling."

"Am not!"


"Yes Mitch?"

"Every lap you get around this arena equals a make-out session."

Jerome was out on the ice within seconds.

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