Days and Cycles

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Day one, realization. Sorrow. Skip the pills. Worry. Nervousness. The veins pounding with adrenaline. Clutching to reality.

Day two, acceptance. Hunger. Falsehood. Lies. Giving in. Binge. It hides the pain. Sugar rush. Run from it all. Pain.

Day three, regret. Curse yourself. Crashing again. False high. Mind wandering. Tears. Ripping. Hatred.

Day four, slipping. Loosing yourself. What are you doing? Binge again. Brace for the hit. Slide under. Do the math. Let go.

Day five, merry-go-round. The top has crashed. Crash and burn. Attuned to everything. Keep the smile. Feel the high. Hope.

Day six, loose lipped. Said too much. Not enough. Offense, defense. Arguments. High. Drunk. Manic. Refuse the food. You've already eaten too much.

Day seven, hell. Hunger pangs. No sleep. Toss and turn. Drag out of bed. Collapse. No water. World spins. Grin. This is fun. Seven seven seven, let's go to heaven.

Day eight, fall. Here's the end. Cry. Everything is terrible. Hear their calls. Their claims. Hormonal. PMS. Insanity? Convince yourself. That's it. That's all it is.

Day nine, the worst. Swings. Falling. Slopes. Low. Low. Low. Crash. Crashing. Falling. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. You're crazy. Crazy. Mental. Fucked-up. A fuck-up. Insane.

Day ten, realization.


Brownie points if you know what two (almost three) mental illnesses this points out.


I'll have an actual thing out soon.

See ya next chapter?


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