What Have I Done

273 15 21

What have I done to deserve this?

You guys are amazing. I still cannot thank you enough. Like, I think the only way to do that would be to thank you face to face, buuuut, unfortunately, that's not possible.

You guys... I just.... I still can't even.

I never wanted more than 50 reads, honestly. Maybe a few people looked at my book, and hey! They liked it. I didn't even need votes. I never expected to reach 1K on anything, because I've never seen myself as a good author.

Yet, here we are with 1.5K and 100+ votes.

My only question is, why me? What caught your eye about me, of all people?

But, yeah. You guys are amazing, and at this rate, we may even hit 2K before my 1K one-shot is done.

Still working on that.


I guess I'll see you next chapter.


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