Insomnia (Merome-ish)

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It was really starting to piss me off.

Every time I'd get comfortable, the pinching in the back of my legs would start up again, and even if I could live through the pain, my mind was too rushed to settle down for the night.

Glancing over at my phone and checking the time, two in the morning, I groaned. My flight to California left at six, and I had to be on my way to Orlando at five.

This endless battle went on for about thirty more minutes before I cried out, defeated, and picked up my phone.

I'd completely forgotten Jerome slept across the hall.

The door cracked open, and I could see his silhouette on the floor, the hall light spilling behind him.


His voice was groggy; I'd probably woken him up.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, turning my brightness down because my eyes couldn't handle it. "Go to sleep."

"You're not fine," Jerome responded, and the door shut. Figuring he left, I let out a sigh of relief, shutting my phone off and setting it on the nightstand, only to hear his footsteps shuffling across the floor.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't respond. He just settled down on my bed, yawning and opening his arms.

Without making a sound, I moved closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around my torso. I just lay my head on his chest, finding the position comfortable. We used to do it all the time, when we were kids.

I knew that it was more of a dating thing, but we'd been doing it for so long, it just felt natural. After all, we were pretty much brothers.

I quickly relaxed, shutting my eyes, finally able to drift off. The last thing I could hear before I finally let sleep take over was Jerome's heart, beating a little faster than normal.

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