Singularity (Bajanstar123/Merome)

181 14 10

POV switches after each break.


"A picture tells a thousand words," they say.

This one tells a love story.

And, honestly, I hate it.

It's Mitch, facing the wall, with Vikk curled up behind him, arms anchored around the older's torso, both of them dead asleep. I snapped it and posted it on Twitter for the banter, captioning it, "I think we have a new ship, boiiiis," and the fans went crazy. Mitch chased me around the house for an hour.

But that's not why I'm salty.

I'm upset because of what happened the night before for them to end up like that. I heard Vikk walk into Mitch's room at about one, complaining that he was tired, and scared to walk upstairs. Mitch quickly agreed to letting him sleep in the bed, and they fell asleep with Vikk on top of Mitch, head on his chest, running his fingers through his hair. You could call it cuddling.

And while the fans thought it was adorable, I was over here dying on the inside, itching to tell Vikk to lay off. I'd been in love with Mitch for longer than he had, having fallen long before Vikk even met him. How come Mitch was so open to him, but never to me? If I asked to sleep in his room, he's tell me to fuck off and go to my own.

Vikk was different.

Vikk had always been different.

He was gorgeous and caring, kinder to Mitch than I'd ever been. I, needless to say, was not.

I could be his best friend, but never anything more.


I knew Jerome was jealous of me, and, to be honest, I'm happy he was.

I know it's cruel, but I wanted him to feel the same way I did whenever he flirted with Lachlan. Maybe it was a joke, but it stung.

What I didn't expect was for him to fall into a depression of sorts after I started dating Mitch.

I noticed the gashes he'd made in his upper arm, though I never said anything. Mitch, did, though.

He begged for Jerome to stop, but he never listened. The marks kept appearing, winding their way down. Mitch kept trying, but got nowhere.

I ended up breaking it off with Mitch. I'd gotten what I'd wanted: Jerome, bruised and broken, and Mitch's mind off his best friend.

Now, I waited.


I only dated Vikk to make Jerome jealous. I had hoped he would come after me, and try to steal me back.

The reaction I got was out of hand.

He didn't deserve to die.

I did, though.

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