Raised By Wolves (ASFlox)

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"Ty, I'm a monster."

I remember him speaking, saying those words slowly, to enunciate them to me as if I were a child. I didn't blame him; I just never believed him. He couldn't be a monster. He was too sweet.

"You have to run away. Go with Adam, with Mitch, anybody."

I suppose you can say I was stupid, too stupid to notice his hidden meaning: take them all away from him.

I didn't realize that he could snap, and for once, be unable to guide me,

To save me.

"I'll hurt you. I've done it before. You've seen Preston's grave."

I had seen Preston's grave. Now, I could guess that the stone had been engraved, though it now lay overgrown and worn away.

I never realized that my lover was ancient, as old as rock and wind and sun and earth.

But what difference did it make? Back then, none.

Now... I didn't know.

"The wolves took me in, Ty. The cruel things of the world. And in return, they took my humanity."

"But you seem human now."

"It appears that way, my love."

I remembered the wry grin that came with it, the one I fell in love with. It was a sign that he was agitated - I understand it was a weird thing notice, to have as a first impression - and I'd learned it well.

The wry grin, and then, as time went on, the fangs that went with it.

"They're dragging me back down to Hell."

I didn't understand then, but I did now, as I fought the binds that held my wrists, and tried to spit out the cloth in my mouth. As I tried to ignore the pain from scars too many. As I tried to block out the stench of rising death. As I tried to ignore his looming image. As I tried to recall everything about us, how we met, our first ki-

"I'm so sorry."

-ss, our first date, when he dropped down on one knee in front of millions in what was now cal-

"I just can't protect you anymore."

-led "The Last Hunger Games", our final kiss, one of sorrow, loss, and a gre-

"I... I do love you. I always have."

-ed for what could have been.

I shut my eyes as I feel the cold creep through me, draining light from my eyes.

"I needed you then, and I need you now, but life just doesn't work like that."

"I'm sorry, Jerome..."


Take the one-shot, take it!

Here's a question: want a sequel to this and I'd Lie?

See ya next chapter?


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