Black & White (Merome)

301 15 29

I have an obsession with this ship...

Send help.

In all actuality, though, I was screwing around with a photo editor and ended up with that monstrosity ^^^^

This was the result of basing a one-shot off it.


Deep in the woods of Caju, there is a lake. I have stayed on the shores and managed it since I was fifteen (I am thirty now). To most, it is a legend. A lake that reflects a parallel universe that is made only of the truth of this world?

Unheard of.

To some, though, it is a reality. Most of the world cannot see it's reflection. However, those "blessed" with the ability to look at the truth do exist, and come here often. I know most of them, and speak to them, wondering what it was like. I am not "blessed" as they are, though, from their recounts, I have started to believe that they are cursed, rather than blessed.

One man comes here often. He is twenty-one years of age, and has visited since he was thirteen, when he discovered the lake on accident. Only once has he ever brought someone else with him, and this someone who did not have The

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