Suicide Bomber (TBNRCanadian)

263 18 4

The only thing you need to know for this is that I generally don't have Preston as a lava mob, but as a mage of some sort.




"You're insane."

He flashed his infamous white-teeth grin, lips quirked up in almost a smirk, one eyebrow raised ever so slightly.

Cocky son of a gun.

"I know."

He turned, popped the collar on his hoodie, grabbed the gunpowder off the table, and whirled a redstone torch between his fingers, humming.

Rolling my eyes, I tossed the sand at him, and he struggled to catch the bag before it hit his face. "C'mon, Lava P. Really?"

"You're about to give your life to blow up a few people. Don't expect me to welcome that with open arms. I'm not Jerome."

That struck a nerve.

His playful attitude dropped like a rock. He slammed his tools into the table and whirled to face me, cold hazel eyes suddenly alight with a deep burning fire, caused by a flaming hatred that the name created.

"Of course your not Jerome. If you were Jerome, you wouldn't be in my sight," he snapped, mouth drawn back in a snarl. Then, as an afterthought, "Lying, cheating bastard..."

With those words spat in my face, he picked up the redstone, tossed it onto the window ledge, and molded together the TNT he'd need.

I crossed my arms, shifting my weight and leaning my hip against the counter. Mitch kept working for a couple minutes before finally looking up at me, wild hair almost entirely covering his eyes. Smiling, I kept his gaze until he stood up straight and copied my position. His attempt at "sassy" wasn't very good, and, without trying, he had me doubled over with laughter.

It was impossible to stay mad at him.

"Can I go now?" he asked, his smirk having returned as he watched me. I just nodded. He'd respawn, and probably be the winning blow. That's what he wanted from life: to be the top of the food chain. The winning teammate. The one people looked up to.

He didn't want to settle down.

My laughter died down, and I stood, making sure he got everything so he wouldn't just run into enemy territory with no armor and forget the redstone. It would be just like him.

Once he had gathered everything, I shooed him off. I was preparing to follow him, my armor and swords laying behind me, and arcane was practically cracking around my fingertips.

"I see how it is."

I chuckle. "Just go."

He smiled at me and ran out the door. I grabbed my helmet and slid it on, enchanting my sword at the touch.

"I'll see you later, love..."

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